4850 install problems, PC will not even boot up. Please Read


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2007
So yeah, I replaced my old video card, ATi Radeon 9250, just took it out of the pci slot, and I placed my new 4850 in the pci-e slot. The 6pin power plug is plugged into the card, and on my first boot, it got to the windows xp loading screen, and then it just shut off.

Now when I try to turn on the pc it doesn't work. So I went behind my computer, turned off my PSU manually, waited a bit, turned it back on, then when I try to boot up, it turns on for not even a second, and then turns off.

Funny thing is, when I remove the 6pin power plug and manually turn off then turn on my PSU, it'll boot fine, just no picture on the screen. :(

Please answer fast, I just got this with my birthday money, if this is a bad card, I am going to be really sad. :(


Abit IP35-E
2gigs of Corsair XMS2 ram
Intel C2D E4500
Corsair TX650 PSU
WIndows XP SP2
Yeah, you probably need to test the card in another machine. Sounds like a bad card or something wonky with the PSU.
Well it is definitely dead now. I thought that maybe the 6pin adapters on my PSU were broken, so I used the adapter where you hook up 2 3pin adapter. I made sure all connections were firm, then I turned her on.

Smoke came out of the fan, confirmed dead, so now I can return it for defective hardware I hope. Anyways, I think I might RMA my PSU too... for some reason I have a feeling that might have been a factor... but I am not sure.