480w or 550w


Jun 17, 2002
I'm planning on upgrading my audio box from:

1.8ghz, 1gb sd, 8gb hd, 30gb hd, burner, two fans, two mobile racks and two vid cards, all in a rack mount.


P4 2.6C, 2GB DDR (4x512 MB), 6 WD 36GB raptors and 6 mobile racks, same two fans and vid cards.

with the more powerful cpu and 6 very agressive hard drives, im thinking 550w.... but would 480 be sufficient?


normally I'd say the 480 would be plenty but thats some serious HDD action you have going on so I'd go for the bigger one for some extra piece of mind. :)
Go with the 550watt. :( I just maxed out my little 430watt PSU and caused some serious trouble. Its also recommended for the longest life of your components not to stress the PSU. So that with piece of mind, get the 550watt.
Guys, I run 9 hard drives in one box, 8 of them in a RAID5, and another single for the OS drive. Plus a 2xPII400, 1G ram, 3 120mm fans, blase, blase. I run it all with an Antec 400W PS. Never a burp yet.
Easy answer: use the 480, run everything at max load for three hours. If nothing happens, keep the 480.
Originally posted by beamrider
Guys, I run 9 hard drives in one box, 8 of them in a RAID5, and another single for the OS drive. Plus a 2xPII400, 1G ram, 3 120mm fans, blase, blase. I run it all with an Antec 400W PS. Never a burp yet.

You're comparing 2x Pentium II with a P4C? Add 3 generations of motherboards, and the dual video cards, and you have quite a difference there.
its better to get a GOOD powerful psu... a lot of "550watt" psu's ive seen are total crap, dont skimp out on a PSU... i would rather have a good quality 480 than a crappy 550

all IMO take it as you wish :p
Originally posted by Gargoyle_Hunter
You're comparing 2x Pentium II with a P4C? Add 3 generations of motherboards, and the dual video cards, and you have quite a difference there.

I don't recall a comparsion anywhere in my reply, just stating what works for me.

People buy these OMGWTFLOL super high-wattage PS's, and may not even need them. If you really want to know what you want, add the wattage of all components, and a saftey margin, and go from there.
i dont think a person would ever need 550W for the next few years...companies are just making these suped up PSU's and charging extra for 'em