400 dollar budget -- What do I get?


Apr 15, 2011
I have a 400 dollar budget and am looking for a new monitor.

I play a lot of games, but I've done so on a slow TN panel so I can stand some ghosting, just prefer as little input lag as possible.

I also do a lot of graphic design work, and need color fidelity and consistent gamma. For this reason, I'd like to avoid TN panels if at all possible.

I do watch a lot of movies, but my computer controls the upscaling on this, and I don't care if the monitor is bad at upscaling.

Ideally, I want a monitor with consistent colors, relatively low ghosting, and near-zero input lag. I'm also very picky about blacks -- I do watch a lot of movies and play a lot of pretty dark games, so I'd prefer the screen be able to display blacks with minimal backlight bleed or glow.

I hear IPS displays have really bad glow, but that this is only visible from the side? Primarily, I'll be playing straight on, so horizontal viewing angle isn't that important. Can I expect to get an all black screen out of an IPS monitor when looking at it straight on?

PVA monitors seem to exhibit terrible gamma and the darker colors all turn black -- I don't like that.

MVA... I have no idea.

Also, a note on AG coating, I'm okay with it. I play in a well lit room a lot, so it'de probably be best to have some AG.

What monitor should I get? :confused:
There's no way you'll find the monitor you require within your budget since any monitor capable of getting some descent graphics designing cost over 700$

However ! There is a new LG wich is about to be released wich might be in between your mentions
Tft E2770V-BF http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005237
Is around your budget and should be more then sufficient for all around work/gaming.
Just thought I'd post this here since no one seemed to be giving you any replies ^^
You misunderstood, SXTC, I don't need a graphic design monitor, I just need something with a consistently lit display and consistent gamma.

The LG looks nice. If I could buy it from someone with a better dead pixel policy or a return policy I'd get it, I think. How's the screen luminoscity? Is it consistent over the whole screen? What about backlight bleed?
The 27" LG is meant for gaming and will most likely be using an e-ips panel=good blacks and it has a thru mode to cut down on input lag.
The 27" LG is meant for gaming and will most likely be using an e-ips panel=good blacks and it has a thru mode to cut down on input lag.

what about the backlight bleed? Can I expect it to be minimal? Likewise, I've had issues with LG e-IPS screens in the past having dark bottom corners that are really, really bad. IPS226V iirc... Tried three of them, all of them had inconsistent luminosity that made the bottom corners substantially (like, 50%+) darker than the rest of the screen.
All the IPS panels are made by LG and all suffer from the same QC issues, all you can do is hope you get a good one
All the IPS panels are made by LG and all suffer from the same QC issues, all you can do is hope you get a good one

This was (I believe) an issue with the particular model. I've seen other screens with the same panel in them but they didn't exhibit the "pinched" corners. I'm wondering when I can expect to see the 27" LG in stores? I'd like to take a look at it up close
Bump -- any other ideas?

keep in mind I don't need a huge screen, my main thing is that it's 1920x1080 or 1920x1200. Either of those and we're good, imo. Screen size can be anywhere from 20"-20' :p
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I'd still go for the ZR24W. If it has any colour tint or bad backlight bleeding you can always RMA it.

Your only other options at that price are probably the 1080p eIPS panels like in the U2311H.. these are all 6-bit+FRC though.. which isn't ideal if you're doing graphic design work a lot. 8-bit panel in the ZR24W.

Otherwise, wait until the summer when screens should start coming out based on Samsung's new 24" PLS panel.. whether it'll be any good or not though is anyone's guess right now. :)
6bit vs 8bit is irrelavent for non-graphics pros, even then unless they are starring at pure grey backgrounds and lagom tests to specifically look for dithering it isn't really a problem. People need to stop using this for a reason to not buy an LCD, it is like saying you need a 400 horse power car vs 350 for grocery shopping, when in reality one should be shot for thinking they need to spend spend 100k$ on a vehicle.

HP has medicore contrast/blacks, the OP said he wanted good blacks.

The U2311H will look better than the HP in all cases except when being viewing from wide angles, it has a faster response time as well. The 27" LG might be good as well. Chances are with any of the IPS panels one has to play the RMA game, so when it comes to gaming its best to pick the one with the best response time, contrast and default color accuracy.
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U2311H is pretty nice looking, but there's so many terrible experiences with the backlight! Eesh!

Anyway, doesn't the ZR24W use the same panel?
Anyway, doesn't the ZR24W use the same panel?

Well only in that they are both made by LG, but:

U2311H - 23" - 16:9 - 1920x1080 (6-bit)
ZR24W - 24" - 16:10 - 1920x1200 (8-bit)

Like NCX mentioned, it's unlikely you'll notice the difference in bit depth in reality.
I have a rep a Dell that could probably hook you up with 2 U2311's for a tad over $400 if you're interested.
What gpu do you have OP?
This is the monitor I would go for personally
ViewSonic VX2739wm goes for 319usd or around that price
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The monitor mentioned above is what I call a low-average monitor, acceptable colors but a fast response so well suited for gamers & movie watchers.
My GPUs are 2x 9600GTs in SLI... They'll be upgraded soon, but they can take any monitor I plug in :p
What gpu do you have OP?
This is the monitor I would go for personally
ViewSonic VX2739wm goes for 319usd or around that price

It's a TN panel, right? I think I'll pass. Response isn't as important... I'm a gamer, but I've gamed on a low-grade TN panel for the past 2 years and ghosting isn't something I notice... The gamma shift is.
The horror stories of IPS glow on the Ultrasharp panels make me not want them...

I'm so lost!

Do all Ultrasharp IPS panels have such bad IPS glow?
The horror stories of IPS glow on the Ultrasharp panels make me not want them...

I'm so lost!

Do all Ultrasharp IPS panels have such bad IPS glow?

You're making a huge mistake if you think you're going to find an LCD monitor that doesn't have a string of horror stories attached to it. Just pick a monitor, and if it doesn't look good when you get it, return it and try again. Just make sure you buy from someone with a good return policy.
You're making a huge mistake if you think you're going to find an LCD monitor that doesn't have a string of horror stories attached to it. Just pick a monitor, and if it doesn't look good when you get it, return it and try again. Just make sure you buy from someone with a good return policy.

I know there'll always be horror stories. It's finding one where horror isn't a norm! lol
The horror stories of IPS glow on the Ultrasharp panels make me not want them...

I'm so lost!

Do all Ultrasharp IPS panels have such bad IPS glow?

True, people go wild because it got a high rating but a fact is that despite the huge amount of money they ask, it is still flawed.
Have you considered the NEC Multisync EA261WM? It's a bit over budget but nothing else touches it for a 26 inch TN monitor. Swivel, tilt, height, and screen rotation. High contrast and deep blacks (after calibration). Its a bit old I know, but no other monitor has made me say wow.
Have you considered the NEC Multisync EA261WM? It's a bit over budget but nothing else touches it for a 26 inch TN monitor. Swivel, tilt, height, and screen rotation. High contrast and deep blacks (after calibration). Its a bit old I know, but no other monitor has made me say wow.

Well, I'd rather not touch it if it's a TN monitor.
With respect to IPS glow, it is present, but compared with other panel traits it is easily the most acceptable. Apart from knowing what it does, I wouldn't let it concern you too much.
With respect to IPS glow, it is present, but compared with other panel traits it is easily the most acceptable. Apart from knowing what it does, I wouldn't let it concern you too much.

One reason i regret buying the LG IPS263- on a black screen it has a reddish glow on bottom left and whitish glow on bottom right. But keeping it as back up anyway.
One reason i regret buying the LG IPS263- on a black screen it has a reddish glow on bottom left and whitish glow on bottom right. But keeping it as back up anyway.

I had an LG IPS266 for a while and it didn't have that problem. Neither does my friend's iMac.

It's good to know it's not a universal problem.
I'm still thinking about this. If anyone else could chime in, that'de be great.
All monitors have their horror stories, you want the best non TN gaming panel right? Well that is the Dell U2311H.
All monitors have their horror stories, you want the best non TN gaming panel right? Well that is the Dell U2311H.

Could very well be LG E2770V as well but we need a better review of it. Bigger and less aggressive antiglare coating than E2311H. Less good vertical viewing angles than U2311 but not something you notice according to many usercomments.
I never had problems with a bad vieuwing angle.. this makes me wonder if there are people that sit in front of their desk with a chair that is twice as low or as high compared to their desk :D