$400 Budget

Except the fact that whether or not to overclock is up to personal preferenece, no matter how easy it is. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to - this thread did not ask whether or not he should. He specifically said he wasn't overclocking and was asking for suggestions on things to buy under a $400 budget. This thread is not the place to preach about overclocking - from the sounds of it he isn't that computer saavy and probably just doesn't want to deal with it, and that's his choice.

Don't go forcing your opinions on others. Overclocking may be easy for you, or for other people, but some don't want to deal with it and it's not up to you to force it upon them.

Says the noob.

I didn't tell him to get a DFI motherboard & tweak every m3mory setting. Its amazing how many people say "I'm NOT going to overclock", then once they build their own machine that has a BIOS that they can set the FSB, etc.. and they try it are SO HAPPY that they did.

I could point out a few just on the first page, like this one: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1303811
read through it from beginning to end.
He starts out with: "I am at stock clocks still at 2.4GHz. I might do a very minor OC, but generally I don't mess with that."
I & others chime in to overclock it to 3Ghz.
He does, and he's happy. Happy ending. WIN!

There's a reason even the big guys like DelI are starting to sell overclocked machines. Its b/c they're SO much untapped PERFECTLY STABLE performance left in most chips. So why not OC' them 10-30% depending on the chip, etc.
I asked a similar question yesterday...about advice on what current Intel processor would be an upgrade to my aging 939 AMD FX60. I said I do not nor want to OC.

Course I got at least 2 responses telling me to OC =P

Anyhow, I am pretty good at putting computers together...But when it comes to OC..I fail...and fail big time...so I gave up trying.

The advice given in this thread is good for me as well. I have been trying to pick between quad and duo. I think for my needs...which is gaming...I am going to go with the 8400...Gigabyte or Abit board and some 4gb memory.. Should easily get under $500.00
need a new cpu/ mobo and some ram for around $400

no overclocking web surfing and book keeping on qucikbooks

any suggestions

upgrading from a cely D so anything should be a huge improvement!

Question, you are certain the PSU you have is a 24-pin ATX2.2?
Says the noob.

I didn't tell him to get a DFI motherboard & tweak every m3mory setting. Its amazing how many people say "I'm NOT going to overclock", then once they build their own machine that has a BIOS that they can set the FSB, etc.. and they try it are SO HAPPY that they did.

I could point out a few just on the first page, like this one: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1303811
read through it from beginning to end.
He starts out with: "I am at stock clocks still at 2.4GHz. I might do a very minor OC, but generally I don't mess with that."
I & others chime in to overclock it to 3Ghz.
He does, and he's happy. Happy ending. WIN!

There's a reason even the big guys like DelI are starting to sell overclocked machines. Its b/c they're SO much untapped PERFECTLY STABLE performance left in most chips. So why not OC' them 10-30% depending on the chip, etc.

Thats fine, however establishing a decent overclock, then doing stability checking, checking temps, and making adjustments can take days. Then if you get a random crash 4 months later, you need to be like "Was that the overclock causing that..." Thats a huge waste of time to a lot of people, they would rather just not worry about it.
yes, I can take one out of my gaming machine if needed. I have a coolermaster real powerpro 850 in that
its not that I cant overclock I dont need it on a work machine my current gaming pc is as followed

pentium d 955 at 4.12
8gigs ddr2 800 g skill
8800 gts
vista ultimate

I havent looked at any new hardware since I put that together and its changed alot since then
seeing you guys argue over overhead is amusing =] ..especially since op already purchased
I will agree that some of the OCs are just too easy, like running a Q6600 @ 3Ghz (9x333). I do not get why some people do not do it, then again I do not get why people still buy AMD CPUs or Nvidia motherboards either :) :p

And those items Glow posted would be my pick. Then again I may be biased considering I am already running a DS3L with a Q6600,

Sorry, dont mean to hijack,but whats wrong with nvidia motherboards?
Sorry, dont mean to hijack,but whats wrong with nvidia motherboards?

Since OP already purchased I'll answer this. Nvidia MB's are known for lower OC's than Intel based boards with processors and SLI gains are nominal when factoring price/performance compared to single GPU solutions.

Google for proof if ya need to, but it's basically known fact although the very latest Nvidia boards have improved drastically but at a price premium.