$400-500 for New GPU


Nov 1, 2004
I have $400-500 for a new GPU currently...

Now I have an 8800gt in my system already, chugging along with 4gb of RAM and a q6600.... I game at 1680x1050.... would any card be a considerable upgrade, or should i wait for the next high end?

I play all kinds of games, from 2d games to Crysis.....
As long as you can bear not playing Crysis on all high, just wait. Especially at that resolution, nothing would be worth your money.
For 1680x1050, theres really no reason to buy anything more than a GTX260, which is about 250$ + tax/shipping for the 55nm revision with 216 shaders. I bit on a BFG 192 about a month ago for 225...and now i really wish i waited a month and paid the extra 30 bucks.

The GTX280 would be faster, although you probably wouldnt notice much difference in gameplay, or ability to turn the settings up much. The 4870x2 is the fastest card available, but there is ZERO reason to own that card unless your playing at or above 1920x1200.

What is coming in January? :confused:
I have noticed that as well with GPUs, I am running two 8800 Superclock 512mb GTs in SLI mode with a 8600GTS for just my dual monitors but I noticed that as well, 9800 series was a joke, I think someone on here called it a 8800 series with no scrotum. :eek:
The 280 series looks nice and all but still my SLI is quite good at running even Crysis at second to highest settings at 1920x1200. When is the next or should I say what is the next big GPU coming out?
If you want to buy now (which you probably shouldn't) and if you have $500 to spend (even though you're playing at 1680x1050), then here is your answer:

2GB 4870 x2 GDDR5. Done.