4.11s suck!


Nov 9, 2004
they got rid of my overdrive tab. so now i can't even view my temps... oh well i don't overdrive.
I find that ironic, lol. My overdrive tab was missing for a long ass time. I installed the 4.11's the other day after having the omega 4.10's and my overdrive tab reappeared :eek: :confused:
wow this is weird. i installed the 4.11's yesterday morning and the overdirve tab was there all day working fine. this morning i went to turn aa and af on and i noticed bam no overdrive tab. cant find that sucker anywhere. now im sad. my video card could be running at 100C and i have no way of telling.LOL but damn, i just find this wierd how it disappeared like that.
Pro cards are not supposed to have overdrive. Even though mine does :p. 4.12 drivers with an overdrive tab.
All x800's have the temp sensor and the overdrive feature. So yes, it's supposed to be there. Mine is fine now.
does the overdrive tab give better temp reading then lets say ATI tool?
Great_Melinko said:
who else thought rearend gears for a car when they saw this thread :p

lol, well I do now =/ stupid axle ratio taking away my...overdrive? :)
yeah, the 4.11s screwed up CS for me...i can't minimize to the desktop at all....