3DMark03 won't work anymore on XP system?


Jan 31, 2002
I ran 3DMark03 about 2-3 weeks ago on my new system and it ran fine, then I tried last night and got this error:

Hardware does not support compressed textures (DXT1 and DXT3). 3DMark03 will not run properly.

Then, I clicked OK and I got this error:

Your system cannot run any game test of 3DMark03. Please install and run 3DMark2001 for more comprehensive benchmarking.

I have the 3.9 catalyst drivers are installed, latest DX9 and all that stuff. I also have and did run 3DMark2001SE without any problems. I checked google for that error and searched this section of Rage3D for the error and found nothing. The only thing I can figure is this version of 3DMark03 is free and will only run once on each system or something else I installed is conflicting with it (no games installed yet on new system). Anyone have any idea what's going on? Thanks.
Well, it's working again and it seems the video drivers got corrupt somehow.

I ran the DX tests and the cubes we spinning really fast and then stopped at the end and I saw the cube. So, I reinstalled DX9 and the same thing again. I reinstalled the 3.9 drivers over the top of the same ones and DX wouldn't even recognize anything to even run the tests. I uninstalled the video drivers with the CAT-uninstaller and reinstalled and everything was fine with the DX tests. I then ran 3DMark03 without any problems and got a score over 400 points higher than the first time I ran it.