3d Mark Scores A64 3500+


Limp Gawd
Jul 20, 2004
Ok, they are better than my 2500 barton were, but I expected more. Anyone else out there with a similar setup have scores they can share?

3dmark '01 - Not sure exactly, but just over 20k
3dmark 03' 6038

No clue wether or not these are great scores or not

I couldn't run '03 with my old system - had a funky error when testing sound
My best '01 score was 18k

I'm using the 9800 pro in my sig and running a 3500+ at stock speeds with an A-bit AV8 board.

RoyLuv said:
Ok, they are better than my 2500 barton were, but I expected more. Anyone else out there with a similar setup have scores they can share?

3dmark '01 - Not sure exactly, but just over 20k
3dmark 03' 6038

No clue wether or not these are great scores or not

It seems about right for a 9800 Pro. If you plugged in a 6800GT you'd probably see a 03 score in the 12000 range.

edit: a video card upgrade would really help round out your system
Circuitbreaker8 said:
do u have a compare link for 03?

No. So is it safe to say that a 2k pt. jump in '01 is descent? Will OCing the proc help at all? A buddy of mine is running an OC'd 3.2E with the same RAM and vid card and is scoring 1k more points than me in both tests. The problem is..... :( I spent more $ than him on my upgrades system :(

I expected more of a jump I guess. A 3d card would be nice. Maybe that should have been purchased before the mem/proc/mobo combo? Out of $ at the moment. Heh.
RoyLuv said:
No. So is it safe to say that a 2k pt. jump in '01 is descent? Will OCing the proc help at all? A buddy of mine is running an OC'd 3.2E with the same RAM and vid card and is scoring 1k more points than me in both tests. The problem is..... :( I spent more $ than him on my upgrades system :(

I expected more of a jump I guess. A 3d card would be nice. Maybe that should have been purchased before the mem/proc/mobo combo? Out of $ at the moment. Heh.

oc'ing the proc will help in 01 a lot. It won't really make too much difference in 03. awhile ago I got 23600 with my 3800+ oc'd to 2.58ghz and my 9800pro at 450core/375memory. A 2k jump in 01 is pretty decent. If you look at what my results and settings then you'll see what it takes for a 3.6k jump
yeah, it sounds like the bottleneck in your system is your videocard. The 9800 Pro is a great card, but your processor can throw more at your card than it can handle
Thats not bad really. B/C the 3500 is stock and 9800Pro is at stock speeds. 2K jump from just a new processor at stock speeds. O/C it and watch you fly past 23K :D
Anyone have experience OCing the 3500? Heh, I'm a little scared to do it, I'd hate to burn it up and void the warranty
Cool, thanks. That makes me feel a little better. :)

Guess It's gonna take another 4-500 bucks to get the performance I'm looking for :rolleyes:

Oh well, anyone else?
i got 6100 with my barton @ 2.4ghz and my videocard slightly overclocked... ram maybe the difference ? i dunno, but you should be faster
i had a 2700+ tb oc'ed to 2.4 ghz. i had my 9700pro. i scored = about 15k.

got my 3500+ with same videocard scored about 19 oced processor to 2.4 ghz scored about 21.

current rig 3500+ oced to 2.55 ghz and geforce 6800 ultra (bfg oc) oced to 465/1200 and i score about 26,000.

now with 3dmark 03 my old videocard and my 3500+ scored about 6100. with my new videocard i score about 14,000.

this tells me i wouldnt worry much about 2k1 i would move more towards 2k3. your right 2k1 does do more overall system performance but its still very videocard limited with that processor.