3700SD or 3800venice?


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2005
well guys i am so confused which one to get, they both have approximately the same price,
i am new to ocing, so i dont know if i will, i have my 3d rocket cooler pro(gigabyte) ,

what do u think? which one to get?
get advantage of the 200MHZ or the 1mb cash? = 3700 or 3800?
How long will you be sticking with this processor?

If I'm correct the 3700 is a s754 chip. If that is so, know you're severally limited on any more upgrades.

The 3800 I assume is s939. Much more upgrade path within the next year and a half or so (dual core and such).

But if you plan on keeping this chip for longer than a year and a half, and you wont be doing much OCing, then I'd say the 3700. IMO more cache just makes things feel more responsive. I really like that myself. And if you wont me upgrading for a good while, then you wont have to worry about the socket issue, since in about a year and a half AMD will be coming out with a new socket anyway.

Good luck, either way you'll be super happy.
Skrying said:
If I'm correct the 3700 is a s754 chip. If that is so, know you're severally limited on any more upgrades.
3700+ dan diego = dual channel, 2.2ghz, 1mb.. it's s939 :D

if you don't think you'll oc for the time being, the extra 200mhz from the 3800+ will give more benefit than the extra cache that the 3700+ has
Skrying said:
How long will you be sticking with this processor?

If I'm correct the 3700 is a s754 chip. If that is so, know you're severally limited on any more upgrades.

The 3800 I assume is s939. Much more upgrade path within the next year and a half or so (dual core and such).

But if you plan on keeping this chip for longer than a year and a half, and you wont be doing much OCing, then I'd say the 3700. IMO more cache just makes things feel more responsive. I really like that myself. And if you wont me upgrading for a good while, then you wont have to worry about the socket issue, since in about a year and a half AMD will be coming out with a new socket anyway.

Good luck, either way you'll be super happy.

The 3700+ San Deigo core is a s939 part, as is the 3800+ Venice core.
Skrying said:
If I'm correct the 3700 is a s754 chip. If that is so, know you're severally limited on any more upgrades.
There happens to be a 3700 s754, but the sandiego is s939.

Choose the 3700, it will pay off in response from what I hear, and will more than compensate for the 200mhz if you decide to overclock.
but anyway, do u think the 1mb cash is usefull for amd??
i heard that amd is made a way to not use all his cache , so it wont matter it will be 512 or even 1mb cache..
is it true?
cache pays off when you overclock (no pun intended)
if you don't think you'll oc, the higher mhz of the 3800+ outweighs the benefit of the extra cache of the 3700+ in almost every situation
(cf)Eclipse said:
cache pays off when you overclock (no pun intended)
if you don't think you'll oc, the higher mhz of the 3800+ outweighs the benefit of the extra cache of the 3700+ in almost every situation

I plan to OC but I have no idea how........is there any OC guide that teach u step by step to OC AMD ?
(cf)Eclipse said:
cache pays off when you overclock (no pun intended)
if you don't think you'll oc, the higher mhz of the 3800+ outweighs the benefit of the extra cache of the 3700+ in almost every situation

Doesn't your "cash" pay off more, so to speak, if you get a 3000+ or 3200+ rev E?
I have seen a good number of em do 2.7-2.85 on air... why would you get a 3800+? Maybe to get a little more 2.9 at most.

IMO, the ONLY question for overclockers (in the value minded) is between the two low end models Venice's and the 3700+. IF you aren't overclocking, you are missing out and are a wuss. (plus the nice thing is if on the off chance you kill a piece of hardware by overclocking it isn't gunna kill you for value loss) And seriously, don't worry about overclocking only dumbasses and the hardcore peeps kill their stuff. I have never lost a component JUST do to overclocking... My P4 has been running for years overvolted and overclocked on stock cooling...

Obviously if you a NEED THE BEST kinda guy then the 4000+ of the fx55 90nm (if you can get one) is where it's at...
J-Mag said:
Doesn't your "cash" pay off more, so to speak, if you get a 3000+ or 3200+ rev E?
i think the 3200+ or 3500+ is probably the best value, but i like the 3700+ for the cache :D
they're both the same degree of... difficulty. hahaha, i say go for the 3700+ though
sorry, for the previous post:
i have 2 questions:

the amd 3700 and 3800 are both dual channels??

when i overclock the 3700 should i work with the voltage? is it the same with 3800?
yes, they're both dual channel unless you happen to get the s754 3700+ by accident. make sure you don't do that.

and you would oc both the same way. go read tsue's sticking on oc'ing. it's a good start
it's only 15$ difference between 3700 and 3800
should i go for the 3700?
and suppose i overclock the 3700 will the 1mb cash gove lot difference than overclocking the 3800?
anyone have any tests with a fully OCed Venice against an OCed or not SD? I'm just curious over all the performance. I could care less if a chip is hitting 3Ghz if it can't do as much as one at 2.4
it's more for multitasking imo. some people disagree with me. robberbaron can comment on this as he's had extensive use with a 512kb and 1mb a64 ;)
I currently have both and it seems that the SD really helps load times with games it seems. Why? Don't ask me...I'm not sure. Just an observation.

Anyone intersted in a almost new 3800+...
After looking at that German comparison, I went with the 3700+ SD and I should have it on Friday. The cache may not make that big of a difference now, but I feel better knowing it is there if I ever need it.
Even aside from that...they'll probably both clock about the same...so it's a choice between 512kb or 1mb cache for basically the same price. I don't see there really being a choice between the two.
well guys, seems the amd doesnt need more than 512mb cache, it's not like intel, amd are made a way that they dont use all the cache they have, i was a lot confused with which to get, and i got the 3800, i dont know if i'll be overlocking, but even if i did, the difference will be 1% in real world == never noticed
I believe the 1mb of cache in the San Diego will really start to make a difference once 64bit software really hits the big time. My vote would be for the 3700+ over the 3800+.
