3700+ or X2 3800+ for gaming


Jul 30, 2005
Ok I was thinking of going with the 3700+ San Diego for gaming but with the X2 3800+ coming soon i'm not sure anymore. Will I see any performance decrease going with the X2 3800+ over the 3700+ in games at 1600x1200 on a 7800gtx?
At that high of a resolution there will be little to no difference at all between them.

The 3800+ might be a bit smoother if you are running a bunch of background programs while gaming.
true, the 3700 o/c might give you a SMALL performance boost JUST for gaming. but if you plan on using VOIP programs or listening to your own music while you are gaming, then the 3800 would outperform it. also, look to the future. in the coming year, vidoegame creators will be writing games that will take advantage of dual core design. THEN, the 3800X2 will greatly outperform the 3700. these X2's o/c pretty well too!
Yeah, but it would take atleast 2-3 years for the multithreaded games to show up and buying dual core now for that reason is useless. However, buying one for the overall performance benefit isn't. No more closing of background apps, ever!
actually, we should start seeing multithreaded games by next year. i would definitly say go with the X2 and overclock it :p
Mazgazine1 said:
THey apparently got a good core too, oc'ed it from 2.0 to 2.46 on STOCK! :eek:

lucky core..
compared to a lot of other X2's.. that's actually somewhat mediocre :(
i'd say go with the x2....i have a 3500+ myself right now and was lookin at that x2 3800+

like everyone else said...directly won't have too much effect right now on games except for when ur running winamp, voice comm, or whatever else in the background...but will be a really nice thing to have when games start being programmed for multi core/cpu
At the risk of starting a flame war i dont intend to start,

How do the Intel dual cores OC in comparison to what AMD has?
check out sharkyextreme.com, they have great benchies with their review, unfortunetly the x2 3800+ games like a 3200 venice, but if ur OCing , I would get the x2 3800

kinda dissapointed myself
Before you jump into dual core, make sure that you're not running XP Home, because it can't support dual core. Only Professional can support dual core.
GVX said:
Before you jump into dual core, make sure that you're not running XP Home, because it can't support dual core. Only Professional can support dual core.
eh? i do remember seeing it stated that xp home will work with dual core, and xp pro being needed for dual core with HT
Yes I have XP Pro. Those X2 3800+ benchmarks on sharkyextreme are a little disappointing gaming wise even though I would most likely not be playing at 1024x768 and would oc it 200mhz. still deciding if its worth $100-$150 extra although dual core is nice for general desktop use.
nVidia SLI drivers will add a nice big boost for Dual CPU/Core PC's this wil lbe the future trend with games and drivers.
holy shit ._." those unreal3 screenshots brought chills down my spine.. my god thats insane games are starting to look better than real life :eek: