360 rad for CPU and GPU (2500K + 770GTX)


Jan 3, 2014
hey guys.

Wondering if my current rad will be good enough for when i plug on my new gfx.

Im running an:

EK CoolStream RAD XTX (360)
Intel i5 2500K
EVGA 770 GTX 2gb (non oc)

Currently only have 3x noctua pulling through the rad, so no push/pull.

Would it be better to run push than pull by the way?

What temperature do you see on the CPU currently?

What pump do you use?

Do you plan to OC the system?

I think it will be enough capacity, but the overall loop temp will rise due to the added heat from the GPU, but the NVidia cards are not hugely hot so I think that is adequate capacity.:D
Currently im seeing 30-34 degrees on the CPU - via MSI control center thingie.

Its an EK-DCP 4.0 Pump im currently running.

No real OC plans, really just looking for a nice and quiet system that wont run too hot
Just as an example, I'm running an overclocked 3770k @ 4.8GHZ with 1.328v and two overclocked GTX 670's on one HWLabs BlackIce GTX 360 with Scythe Gentle Typhoons 1850's in push/pull.

CPU doesn't hit higher than mid 70s during gaming and GPU's don't hit higher than 45-50, depending on my ambient temperature.

You'll be plenty fine with your radiator.
Thanks :)

How are you running your setup?

My current flow is pump -> res -> cpu -> rad ->
DDC3.2 pump with an XSPC reservoir top - CPU - GPUs (EK Parallel Adapter) - Radiator

For your setup, I'm quite sure your pump is plenty.
Thanks, much apreciated feedback.

I'll try it and see how the temps work out :)
Yeah, I actually figured that out from a youtube video. Gonna change it - hopefully this weekend :)
