$354 F/S: Haier LE46A2280 46-Inch 1080p 60Hz Slim LED HDTV - Amazon.com

what's the quality of this TV, i assume not the best, but damm good price for the size, is it worth getting a 120Hz set for more money ?
it says slim but the pictures make this thing look super fat.
i already have a crappy 32" 720p vizio that i've had for like 3 years.

don't forsee myself ever upgrading my tv unless i go all out on a GOOD one.

nice deal for someone that doesn't have a TV though.
what's the quality of this TV, i assume not the best, but damm good price for the size, is it worth getting a 120Hz set for more money ?

I own a 120hz variant with 3 HDMI ports and I don't think you'll miss much maybe unless you intend to use it for some PC action. Regardless, the picture quality is great for a set in this price range; the colors are decent and could be better with a proper adjustment. As with most LCD's in this price range the blacks leave a bit to be desired. As with most LED backlit sets it's stupid thin, light and cool. Energy guide claims $19 yearly operating cost.

Many people despise the speakers that come with it but that's because they face down instead of simply being on the front. I don't know what the engineers were smoking on, but could possibly be something to do with the thin bezel. However from my experience level 25 fills up my room with good sound; I think it goes all the way up to 50. If you have an audio system then this is irrelevant.
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I bought this TV several weeks ago when it went on sale for $335. The picture quality is just okay but it's just a bedroom TV so we won't be using it heavily. The speakers really are terrible. Everything sounds muffled and there is no bass. Luckily it's going to be connected to a computer that has decent 2.1 speakers. In the past couple of months I have been hard pressed to see better deals than this but I wish I had paid a bit less for it considering the quality. Knowing what I do now I would skip it unless it's priced at around $300.
the snake said:
what's the quality of this TV, i assume not the best, but damm good price for the size, is it worth getting a 120Hz set for more money ?

I happened to be in my local Walmart grocery shopping yesterday and I ventured into the Electronics Dept to peep out the clearance stuff..That's a joke but we won't get into that lol...

I saw a 40" LED backlit set made by the same company for $289...I know it is a bit smaller, but it also had a 120hz panel instead of the 60hz panel in the OP's post..I would personally save the ~$60+ and opt for the 120hz model myself..

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