350watt PSU for 3.2ghz P4?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2004
is a 350watt PSU strong enough to handle a 3.2ghz P4? just thought id ask. one of my friends wants me to build him a P4 system and i wanted to know if the PSU that comes with the case was good enough.
Yeah, 350W should be fine for 3.2GHz. I'm running at 3.84GHz with a 380W PSU.
The 250W PSU in my system has:
P4 3GHz (NW)
1GB memory
3 hard drives
2 burners
overclocked 5900
sound card

and no stability issues. A decent 300W is more than enough for a P4 3.2GHz, so yeah if your 350W isn't junk it's good enough.
well, i'd say what's most important is what kind of 350w power supply it is. since you said "comes with the case", i'd say it may cause some stability issues. i'd say that about any bundled ps and case unless it's something more high end like antec.
if its a good brand name 350W it should be ok. i had an antec350w, pulled 16a on the 12v and it was good enough to run my system in my sig. i upgraded to the 480 for future upgrades tho.
...another vote for the "quality more than quantity" argument. A good quality 350+ supply should handle most PC's.

FWIW - I started up two Prescott 3.0 worstations this weekend, both in Enlight cases with Enlight 360 Watt supplies. (Tt supplies are "badge engineered" Enlight supplies, last time I checked). Ran 3DMark all weekend in my 90+ degree garage and didn't squawk once.

My $00.02.....no worries..... :cool:

Rock on - B.B.S.