$325k 3D-Printed Lab Grown Burger Tastes Gross

You DO realize that not every chicken comes from a Foster's Farm co-op right? Not every chicken out there that we eat has been bred to this level, granted most of the chicken we eat do because people are happy with their $2/lbs chicken breasts.

Love me some big breasts! :p

Sorry. ;)
And people thought McDonald's foods were Frankenfoods. Someone already said it in the thread but I foresee bad things like someone reacting badly to the food and turning into a zombie either from infection or raging out at the shit quality of the food.
why is the hardocp title "$325k 3D-Printed Lab Grown Burger Tastes Gross" when no one in the actual article claimed the burger is "gross" or disgusting or bad tasting?
Why do you think obesity is so prevalent?
Its because we eat so many processed foods that are empty calories with little to no nutritional value.
High fructose corn syrup?
Adds all the sweet you want without satisfying your hunger for sugar so you eat more and more and more trying to get the sugar your body craves.
That's ok, we'll just use some type of artificial sugar like Sweet N Low.
Super sweet, and since its "diet" people eat more because they're bodies aren't getting the sugar it craves and they think its safer to eat more because the sugar substitute is 0 calories then go ravenous once they do get food containing sugar.

Dear god there is so much shit wrong with the food we get at the market I'm half scared to eat anything I don't grow myself.
why is the hardocp title "$325k 3D-Printed Lab Grown Burger Tastes Gross" when no one in the actual article claimed the burger is "gross" or disgusting or bad tasting?
Part opinion, part humour... it's obviously not "3D-prrinted" and more than likely the OP didn't actually taste it...
High fructose corn syrup? Yum! Adds all the sweet you want without satisfying your hunger for sugar so you eat more and more and more trying to get the sugar your body craves.
The actual compositional difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup is negligible. Your theory is quite amusing, however.
just looking at that picture make me want to upchuck all over my desk. id rather eat horse dung than whatever they are frying up there.
Let's start with the $325k price tag ;)
Next...it's cultured meat.
Then...they used beet juice for color because the stuff is grey.



It's grown in a lab from muscle cells harvested from a cow.

Still requires amino acids, fats, sugars and minerals.

There is no long term study that says "eating burgers grown in a petri dish won't kill you or make you grow a second head"

The whole thought of it makes your skin crawl. ;)

Damn straight.
Skin crawling: have you ever seen a cow twitching around after its had its throat slit in real life? And i'm just taking about when they do it right, not about when they fuck up or intentionally abuse the animals.
I've watched a mouse twitch when a mouse trap snapped shut on it's head. Much like cows, how much skin crawl factor there is directly related to how cute/attached you are to the animal, pests and food animals... don't get attached.

Hunters have for the history of humanity been able to kill animals for food no problem, without getting skin crawling feelings. Its not much different from a cow... well except you could wait for it stop twitching from a far distance I guess :D
Hunters have for the history of humanity been able to kill animals for food no problem, without getting skin crawling feelings. Its not much different from a cow... well except you could wait for it stop twitching from a far distance I guess :D
But nowadays eating meat or animal products is not necessary, especially considering how sedentary we've become as a society. Some groups of people evolved just fine not eating meat, and most ate much much less than people eat it nowadays by a factor of maybe 10 (not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised).

Also, I know of some hunter types who find the animal cruelty stuff going on in factory farms horribly skin-crawling. Hunting from a distance (or upclose with a knife or fist - come on, that's only fair lol) is much more respectable for everyone involved. The animals in these cases are wild, probably pretty happy with life, then BAM, they die pretty quick. You get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air. In factory farms they live miserably cramped, in filth/feces, with diseases even, and then a slow painful death like getting de-limbed or whatever before being put down...

Anyways, just another small rant, nothing new, lol... it's nice to see more people fighting against the cruelty and/or health aspects (meat eaters are more likely to develop cancer earlier on, for example)
(meat eaters are more likely to develop cancer earlier on, for example)

Meat cooked incorrectly, processed, coupled with other dietary no-no's, prepared incorrectly and/or raised incorrectly can increase cancer rates. People aren't willing to change their dietary habits or their purchasing habits, which is why meat gets a bad rep.

If you eat meat, you need to cut a lot of other crap out of your diet. You need to buy organic free range meat. It shouldn't be processed, and it shouldn't be wet aged. Learn how to prepare and cook meat in a healthy way.

TL;DR - Meat is only bad because we are dumb.
But nowadays eating meat or animal products is not necessary, especially considering how sedentary we've become as a society.
What is "necessary" though? There's a lot of "unnecessary" things that we do in life everything from the cars we drive, to the computers we use, but we still like to use them.

Some groups of people evolved just fine not eating meat, and most ate much much less than people eat it nowadays by a factor of maybe 10 (not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised).
And that's totally awesome for those groups of people, and I really hope they continue on that way, its when those groups change their ways (a billion Chinese deciding they want to drive everywhere etc...) that ends up causing a major fuck up in the world.

Also, I know of some hunter types who find the animal cruelty stuff going on in factory farms horribly skin-crawling.
Lets be fair here, you can't instantly equate eating meat to animal cruelty. I'm not all for unnecessary cruelty either, and my original comment was on the death of an animal in a farm setting vs hunter setting. There are cruel SOB hunters too.

I'm all for getting rid of the mega-farms, they don't do well in our world, on multiple fronts not just cattle farms, but also vegetables too.
First problem is that we commonly create/modify "better" replacements for mother natures offerings only to find out later that we messed it up (in some cases worse then the natural).

Margarine is a perfect example, for years everyone used it to be "healthier"... yet ultimately found out the fatty acids in margarine are worse for you than regular butter.

My opinion... We think we are smart but almost everytime we mess with mother nature we get burned. That means we actually have little understanding of the over-all complexity and workings of our own ecosystem and bio-somethings or anothers.

"Replacement" food isn't the answer... manageing our society is. If we can't farm or product enough meet, then we must adjust. I know in the US, we eat waaaaay more meat then some thing the body is build to digest.

YES! This +1000. Not only is actual consumption excessive, so is the waste. So what is not (over)eaten is thrown away. Plus since GMO food has become pervasive there are so many food allergy problems that people take it as normal. Being allergic to several different types of food IS NOT NORMAL and was very rare just 60 years ago. Yet now it seems like most people have some kind of food allergy. Is it the GMO crops or something else entirely? Its impossible to find a straight answer with so many talking heads every side, but whatever we have been doing with nature is not helping us.
just looking at that picture make me want to upchuck all over my desk. id rather eat horse dung than whatever they are frying up there.

Meh. I dunno. Pre-cooked it looks like any other super-lean cut.


Seems they just used a bad photo.


I really can't say this looks bad at all.

What is "necessary" though?
Protein is necessary, just not animal protein, and tons of studies show plants are healthier. This is FYI, many people don't seem to realize this and think meat/animals are required to survive. It's just not the case and it's also not as healthy. That was my only point. Oh, and it also costs more. Sure it tastes better, but alot of that is phycological IMO

Lets be fair here, you can't instantly equate eating meat to animal cruelty.
I agree, of course...

I'm all for getting rid of the mega-farms, they don't do well in our world, on multiple fronts not just cattle farms, but also vegetables too.
Sure. I think the best thing a person can do is just grow their own food, or support the local gardens. It's just not as convenient...

As for the taste testing, they should've just given them a few burgers of different varieties and then give a rating or comments. It's amazing that even chefs are tricked into thinking vegan imitation meats are real when they don't know any better
I find it incredibly ironic that most of the health food nuts that I know that are so anal about what goes into their mouth are the ones that are always coming down with mysterious illnesses, self-diagnosing 'alergies', or are just generally unhealthy-looking.

What is the goal here? There are plenty of people in their 80s+ that have lived great lives, eating whatever they could to survive. Personally, I don't care to live until I'm 120, especially if it means I worry every day that I may have consumed something that didn't grow out of the ground. Quality over quantity, folks.
While I am against abuse of chemicals like pesticides and all in food, and the total exploitation of whatever the hell companies put in our food as cheap replacement for good things(like modified corn substances), I am absolutely in favor of GMOs and enhanced foods and I believe they are the key to feeding as many ppl as possible nutritious, healthy and environment friendly food .