3200+ OC problem


[H]F Junkie
Dec 14, 2002
So, I just purchased this A64 3200+ a couple weeks ago to go with my new A8N-SLI. I hadn't tried to overclock it untill yesterday and I met with some poor results.

Person I bought it from said he'd had it do 2.7ghz on air cooling but for some reason I can't get it past 2.22ghz without it locking on POST. I tried upping the voltage to 1.5v (not sure of the stock voltage) with the same results. Here's the settings I am using

CPU Voltage - AUTO
CPU Speed is 200mhz x 10 multiplier
PCI, and FSB speeds and voltage are all set on auto

Is there something I am doing wrong here? Even at 300mhz x 10 mulitplier the computer won't make it past the POST without locking. I would have tried more voltage adjustments, but I wasn't sure of the stock voltage. If anyone else here has done any OC'ing on an A8N-SLI, your imput would be most helpful.
I've tried OC'n mine as well and havent gotten past 2200 or so. Its a little annoying as I know other people get much much higher OC's. I might try upping the voltage, its at 1.497 right now.
i am running my 3200+ @ 2.5ghz Atm, 10X 250 with 4X HTT at 1.58Volts.

i know i still have a little left if it ( i am aiming for 2.63ghz To max out the ram.. 1:1 is key )

you should be able to do the same mang, just keep trying at it, in Baby steps.
AmIdYfReAk said:
i am running my 3200+ @ 2.5ghz Atm, 10X 250 with 4X HTT at 1.58Volts.

i know i still have a little left if it ( i am aiming for 2.63ghz To max out the ram.. 1:1 is key )

you should be able to do the same mang, just keep trying at it, in Baby steps.

Not really. Yes, keep trying at it using different settings etc, but there is no guarentee you will be able to go higher.
I had my 3200+ at 2.55 for a while, 3x ht, 283x9 at 1.55v... it worked great for a while until I took my comptuer apart to clean it out... now I can only push 2.20 like you guys : (
JohnleMVP said:
For overclocking check out this tutorial instead of just using the trial and error method.

oh man, it's been a while since i've looked at that bad boy :p

but yes, htt is analgous to fsb, though not the same thing.
the ht link is what should be called FSB, as it's the link between the cpu and chipset.

also, perhaps you have to bump voltage to hit 2.7ghz? ;)
what's your memory ratio at?