3007fpw monitor what video card to play games?


Limp Gawd
Mar 14, 2006
Hello i have a 30inch monitor yeah 3007fpw and I wonder what video card i need to run games on max? and yes full screen resolution 2560 by 1600? yeah i know its a lot to ask for but Will the latest ATI or Nvidia cards will run SLI or crossfire the latest models? or should I wait for new video cards to come out? Need help here
I'd wait til Dx 10, if you do have another monitor, use that for the time being with your smaller monitor. Then when Dx 10 cards come out, get like 2 ATI cards for Crossfire or go with nvidai with SLI
nothing will run games on max at that resolution, except maybe 2 x1900xt's.

don't wait till dx10, games won't care about dx10 for another year or so, you will be constantly waiting to buy because the next best thing is coming out.
desrin said:
nothing will run games on max at that resolution, except maybe 2 x1900xt's.

don't wait till dx10, games won't care about dx10 for another year or so, you will be constantly waiting to buy because the next best thing is coming out.
I don't think it's worth waiting for, but that Crytek DX10 footage made it look really badass. Almost like you wouldn't need a PPU.
I would say something like 7950 SLI or X1900XT CF can run games on that resolution. Don't expect high frames with that resolution though.
Adionik said:
I don't think it's worth waiting for, but that Crytek DX10 footage made it look really badass. Almost like you wouldn't need a PPU.
i thought all that footage was in DX9.
bullseye4u said:
Hello i have a 30inch monitor yeah 3007fpw and I wonder what video card i need to run games on max? and yes full screen resolution 2560 by 1600? yeah i know its a lot to ask for but Will the latest ATI or Nvidia cards will run SLI or crossfire the latest models? or should I wait for new video cards to come out? Need help here

To reiterate what everyone here's been telling you, no cards out today will run 2560 x 1600 (that's your native right?) smoothly. That being said, a CF / SLI solution will give you acceptable game play.
Go into the monitor forum and ask the same question. A bunch of guys there are avid gamers and have the 3007. 7950 or 7900 SLI or x1900XTX work well according to them. I'm cheap so I run it with the x1600 @1280x800 and it's still not good enough most of the time but then again, I use the 3007 for work.
boomheadshot45 said:
I'd wait til Dx 10, if you do have another monitor, use that for the time being with your smaller monitor. Then when Dx 10 cards come out, get like 2 ATI cards for Crossfire or go with nvidai with SLI

You do understand that DX10 is over a year away. It will not be released before Vista.
AndoOKC1 said:
how do you know?

Because that is what MS is stating.

I've also heard it will not be offered for XP.

...and yes I have heard about DX10 games coming out in beginning of 2007 however Vista won't be out so there will be no DX10.
boomheadshot45 said:
I'd wait til Dx 10, if you do have another monitor, use that for the time being with your smaller monitor. Then when Dx 10 cards come out, get like 2 ATI cards for Crossfire or go with nvidai with SLI

the person has purchased a 2grand LCD and u want him not to use it till vista comes out!?!?!?


bullseye4u said:
Hello i have a 30inch monitor yeah 3007fpw and I wonder what video card i need to run games on max? and yes full screen resolution 2560 by 1600? yeah i know its a lot to ask for but Will the latest ATI or Nvidia cards will run SLI or crossfire the latest models? or should I wait for new video cards to come out? Need help here

lol LOL LOLOLOL i can't belive there are ppl who buys a 1699.99 moniter and don't research how to run it properly first
Well its always smart to do your research but i think your just jealous because you don't have a kickass 30" monitor.lol
desrin said:
nothing will run games on max at that resolution, except maybe 2 x1900xt's.

don't wait till dx10, games won't care about dx10 for another year or so, you will be constantly waiting to buy because the next best thing is coming out.

I think, if he can get it running, the hacked 7950gx2 sli trick thing should work fine.
boomheadshot45 said:
Well its always smart to do your research but i think your just jealous because you don't have a kickass 30" monitor.lol

boomheadshot45 said:
Well its always smart to do your research but i think your just jealous because you don't have a kickass 30" monitor.lol

running games at 18fps/sec and 11ms response rate is even more kick ass!
BlueFridays said:
lol LOL LOLOLOL i can't belive there are ppl who buys a 1699.99 moniter and don't research how to run it properly first

Yeah...you are definitely 14. :rolleyes:
Now with the release of Quad-SLI drivers from Nv, its possible to run dual 7950's at that resolution. I dont know if a single will suffice at that size, as I run mine at 1680x1050 (Dell 2005FPW)
first i bought this computer not for gaming but for photoshop and my website so I have a lot of room to work on. second i bought this monitor for $1.400 good deal. I am just intrested if sli or crossfire could handle it water cooled thats it.
I'm partial to SLi myself, but an X1900 XT/XTX CrossFire setup would be able to drive that monitor nicely. A pair of 7900 GTXs would also work out well.

I don't think Quad SLi is absolutely necessary, but you're going to need it if you want to crank everything at that display's native resolution. With a pair of 7900 GTXs, you're going to be switching a few things off to get the speed you need.
Tzzird said:
To reiterate what everyone here's been telling you, no cards out today will run 2560 x 1600 (that's your native right?) smoothly. That being said, a CF / SLI solution will give you acceptable game play.

acceptable? I am getting 100fps in BF2 naitive resolution 4x TRSSAA and 16AF...... :D
jacuzz1 said:
acceptable? I am getting 100fps in BF2 naitive resolution 4x TRSSAA and 16AF...... :D

looking at your sig.... you don't exactly have *just* SLI do you?

*grumbles at quad owner in jealousy* ;)
A X1900XTX should run at the native res, granted that you may have to turn down some quality settings it will do just fine.

Also I aplogize for all the morons here that are giving you lame ass responses.
belmicah said:
Did you see that they were using 7900GX2's?
Also, Nvidia JUST released a beta driver that supports quad SLI. I think maybe BF2 benefits from the updated profiles in the drivers.

belmicah: Correct me if I'm wrong, but those 7900GX2's are a quad configuration (I thought it was supposed to be 7950, but the gx2 gives it away).

As far as the drivers Nvidia just released that supports quad SLI officially... unofficial support worked prior to this driver release for like 3 games. Battlefield 2 was one of them.

jaccuz1: Is your 100fps a FRAPS frame of BF2 of you standing in place?
Get a single 7950GX2 that'll suffice for comfortable settings and frames :).
Tzzird said:
belmicah: Correct me if I'm wrong, but those 7900GX2's are a quad configuration (I thought it was supposed to be 7950, but the gx2 gives it away).

As far as the drivers Nvidia just released that supports quad SLI officially... unofficial support worked prior to this driver release for like 3 games. Battlefield 2 was one of them.

jaccuz1: Is your 100fps a FRAPS frame of BF2 of you standing in place?

Yes , you get the coookie
jaccuz1: Is your 100fps a FRAPS frame of BF2 of you standing in place?
Yea, im calling bullshit on that too.. maybe looking at a wall while standing still.
lloose said:
Yea, im calling bullshit on that too.. maybe looking at a wall while standing still.

Here is how it went, I cracked a beer and spawned in midnight sun next to the A10. I hopped in and did a take off. I hit the C key for 3rd person and almost got a screen shot. I managed to catch 96FPs if i remember. I will post the shot but it will be split fram since fraps has a nervous breakdown on screen shots in quad. I am at work now but will post later. I have no reason to lie and have no axe to grind .

I dipped into the 40s on a bombing run and was consisitantly in the high 70's and 80's while in flight. I was on the ground runing around in the high 60's no fire fight. It was on the BFG gaming server and no one was there. I will play extensively tonight to get a feel for real game play.I was farting around with the new beta driver last night and changing aplications often.

My point is that you can have a great time on the 30 and by the way I was able to have a good time with a single 7900gtx all be it with things toned down abit settings wise
jacuzz1 said:
Here is how it went, I cracked a beer and spawned in midnight sun next to the A10. I hopped in and did a take off. I hit the C key for 3rd person and almost got a screen shot. I managed to catch 96FPs if i remember.

Thanks for the laugh ;P

100 FPS is a completely plausible instantaneous frame.

You don't have to prove it.
Tzzird said:
Thanks for the laugh ;P

100 FPS is a completely plausible instantaneous frame.

You don't have to prove it.

Thank you , for a minute there i thougth i was in the twighlight zone.
I was just thinking. The refresh on my LCD is set to 75mhz... and so FRAPS won't show more than 75.

Isn't the refresh on the 30inch 60mhz...?
Tzzird said:
I was just thinking. The refresh on my LCD is set to 75mhz... and so FRAPS won't show more than 75.

Isn't the refresh on the 30inch 60mhz...?

Its 60 but maybe beucase i have vsync off? I dont know but never had an issue showing over 60 excpet Doom.

I will post a shot though , I will be interested in your theory as to why this happens. Here is one I posted in another thread of Episode one berfore the latest Quad driver but Quad was still working. Fraps seems to show part of two difffernt scenes its wierd

One more annd I will post some shots with the 37's tonight Its a wierd anomalie
