3-way SLI and SFR


Dec 13, 2009
Title says it all: is SFR compatible with 3-way SLI? I don't want the microstutter problems associated with AFR.

What about with 2D Surround?
I've not had any issues with microstutter in anything thus far. 2D Surround, smooth as butter. I have noticed in 2D however that ALL games seem capped at 142 FPS so there is little scaling beyond two cards in most games as 2 480s crush most games at 5760 x 1080 even at max settings. However in 3D Surround I've observed 100% scaling in Batman AA going from 2 to 3 cards and I'm trying to figure this out as others with 2 480s have broken 142 FPS in their games.
AFR still has other issues like VSync + triple buffering (which I always use) and input lag (granted, not a lot, but still a slight issue).