3 Questions

Gromacs and Tinkers are the types of work units "WU" folding@home uses to process data. One program, the folding .exe file runs them both. As a folder you will get a bit of both depending on how and when the servers give them out.

I'm not a linux dude, but there are quite a few here who fold with that OS, so I'd think you will get some help in that area. Or, scroll back in the forum a few weeks, months..a bunch of how too post exist.

Welcome aboard

heh - thanks for the welcome and answers - been folding for a while now..... maybe a month or 2..... ranked 810 right now.... username: john-michael

Will look into the Gentoo stuff
I didn't go through the ebuild, but downloaded the client from stanford. But you can do an "emerge foldingathome" for Gentoo. I use gKrellm with an addin for folding at home to start it and monitor it.
Gentoo runs F@H great, faster than windows for me. I run samba and monitor with EM III, it works out really nice, and is very easy to setup.

First download the linux client (Duh! Why did I even type that?)

To start F@H automatically at boot just add this to you /etc/conf.d/local.start (gentoo's version of rc.local)

cd /path_to_fah
su <username> -c "path_to_fah/FAH4Console-Linux.exe -advmethods -forcesse &"
cd /

Add this to your /etc/conf.d/local.stop:

killall FAH4Console-Linux.exe

If you want to monitor from a windows machine then download EM III, and look around to the link to the overclockers.com article on how to setup samba and EM III.

If it an AMD box then you are probably better off not useing the -advmethods flag.
That way you are more likely to get Tinkers which fold faster on an AMD so more points per hour.

If its an Intel box then use it to try and get DGromacs which again fold faster on an Intel.

But there is no way of downloading a wished for type.

Luck......... :D