3 Drive System For Video Editing But How?


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2005
I was researching "Video Editing PC's" and came up with a question I can't figure out. A lot of the prebuilts utilize 3 HDD's, 1 for the system and applications plus app file swapping and 2 in a RAID 0 configuration for Digital Video storage. How is this Accomplished? Is the system HDD a IDE and the others SATA? If you use all STA drives do you need to use two SATA controllers, 1 for the system in standalone and the other for the 2 drives inh RAID 0? Using my A8N SLI Deluxe MB as an example you have the NVRAID port and the SIL port each of whicjh can support 4 drives. I'd want to put all 3 drives on the NVRAID right?
You have multiple hard drive controllers to choose from. Therefore, you choose one controller for RAID, one for standalone (or RAID), and the IDE connectors for your optical stuff or misc IDE drives.
Thanks Twister. If I only had one controller I guess I could mount just one disk, load windows and apps on it' and then mount the other two and label them as "D" and select RAID 0. After that I'd just download all DV data to drive D.