3.0c slower than my 1.6A...help


Bad Trader
Feb 9, 2002
I got this 3.0c chip about a month ago. And all I can say is unless i can fix the issue, it is the worst upgrade by far.. Compared to my 1.6A oc'ed to 2.4, the 3.0c seems slow. My old setup was a

1.6A oc'ed to 2.4ghz / Epox 4BDA2+ / 512mb samsung original PC2700

I got a 3.0c with ESC 848P-A mobo at frys, with 512mb samsung original DDR333@400. I have serveral places in which my computer seems far slower/sluggish than my [email protected].

My 1.6ghz chip booted in 28 seconds, while this chip boots in 32 seconds. Boot as in from the time i press the power button to the time I see the windows interface.

My 3dmark03 score I had a 9800pro for both tests. My [email protected] score was 5319. My 3.0c score is 5380. An 80point gain for my upgrade.

All the games take a lot longer to load. And when I have a game in window mode, windows is very very sluggish. I played my games in window mode fine with my old setup. All of the load times are unbearable.

I have ran through bios and skimmed through. Everything seems to be fine, so I dont know what the problem could be. I need help narowing down whats causing this sluggish performance. I have HT enabled btw.

I am open to any comments/suggestions/advice/opinions. Thx in advance.
You might have to resort to reinstalling Windows. Even at the slowest memory settings, you will not notice that much of a performance hit. Since you tried installing all the drivers and browsed thru the BIOS settings there isn't much more you can do.
I forgot to mention that this is on a fresh windows installation.

BTW, when i built a rig for my friend, he complained that his bootup look longer than 2mins. And windows would have trouble reading his burner. So i replaced the IDE cables and it solved the problem. I really dont know why this would fix it though.
Well, if the cable was bad replacing it could help speed up HDD intensive operations - loading Windows, loading maps, etc. This MIGHT cause issues when running games. Did you make sure there are no stray processes eating up your CPU time?
I dont have any stray processes, but just to make sure, is there a program that lists them to txt format?
Not that I know of. What I'd reccomend is starting a game in windowed mode and play it with the "Processes" tab of Task Manager open. See if something else is taking up CPU cycles while you play.
What i found really funny was that the game eats up 50% resources, and the other 50% is System Idle. HT at work maybe? But other than that, my system is utterly unbearable.
Yea, thats HT at work. System Idle Process should use up the remaining. Everything seems to be functioning properly... no idea why you'd be experiencing such horrible performance.
Definitely try a better motherboard and your results should be improved. Get an Abit or Asus.
Hmm, sounds like a pain. The system in my sig boots in about 20 seconds, and I'm getting ready to make some changes in the BIOS to speed that up a bit.

BTW, are you running windows xp home or pro? I just did an upgrade from home to pro on an AMD 2400+ system, and it takes about 8-10 seconds longer to boot up now...
Im on pro. I had no idea Pro takes longer to load than home.

BTW, i just replaced my IDE cable. I noticed that my IDE cable for my HD was whiter and less stranded than all my other cables. Maybe it was an ATA66 cable?? I replaced it with my Ultra ATA 133 cable and ran a raptor test and got 40/mb read, 40mb/ write. Double from the other ide cable. But the bootup seems the same though.. hmmm....
That was indeed a slower cable - which is fine for CDROMs. You might just have a bad install of Windows.
That CPU needs to be seated on a better Motherboard IMO.

Having a fast CPU does not mean that it will run fast if the rest of your components is not up to par. That ECS is not up to par with your nice CPU.

Save up for an ABIT or an ASUS and you should feel a huge difference.

I moved from my 1.6A running @ 2.1 to a 2.4C that is running @ 3.0 and I see a huge difference in performance, HUGE.