2nd thoughts on VistaSP1


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 26, 2005
I'm having second thoughts on SP1

I've used XP-64 for years and Vista64 for a few months and I never had a blue screen nor a major crash. But during the afternoon the pc froze and a few minutes ago it got a BSOD.

This doesn't bode well for SP1, I'm considering uninstalling it or maybe even reformat.
One problem is that SP1 isn't ready for public distribution. Right now it's only available to MSDN/TechNet subscribers and OEMs - basically, people whose job/expensive hobby is messing with stuff. One part of the MS plan getting this out to the public is to roll it out on Windows Update, but only if your system doesn't have one of the offending device drivers. The trouble is - they haven't said what drivers are problematic, so you have no idea if you might be affected by that or if you're just having bad luck.

I checked the logs and apparently the problem is with AVG, I'll reinstall it and see what happens.
Aside from one PC giving me a problem playing any Audio CDs, overall I have it in three PCs, and they definitely are smoother and even more responsive. File transfers are on par with XP machines now as well.
I reinstalled AVG and everything seems back to normal
My only issue going from SP1 RC Refresh to SP1 RTM, was my videocard drivers. I had swapped from an 8800GTS 640MB to a 3870x2.

Uninstalled the RC. Installed the RTM. Device Manager showed the 3870x2 fine. However, if you looked in the Catalyst Control Center, it showed the 8800GTS listed. Uninstalled the ATI drivers and then rebooted to safe mode and performed a cleanup for Nvidia and ATI. Reinstalled the ATI drivers and everything is fine again.