2GB OCZ (2 x 1GB) Platinum System Memory (2-3-2-5)

Bigjohns97 said:
I can hit 240 2.5-3-3-7 with mine.

Want to buy them ?
By the way, the newer revision PC3200 OCZ Plats they're selling now (and any other brand, like the Crucial Value) don't overclock as high as the older version. Keep this is mind if you see people getting 240MHz on the OCZ 3200 Plats. They probably have the older stuff. There's almost no possibility you'll get 240MHz on the stuff any retail outlet is currently selling. (From what I've seen on various forums you have about a 5-10% chance of getting over 230MHz on the current chips)
Astral Abyss said:
By the way, the newer revision PC3200 OCZ Plats they're selling now (and any other brand, like the Crucial Value) don't overclock as high as the older version. Keep this is mind if you see people getting 240MHz on the OCZ 3200 Plats. They probably have the older stuff. There's almost no possibility you'll get 240MHz on the stuff any retail outlet is currently selling. (From what I've seen on various forums you have about a 5-10% chance of getting over 230MHz on the current chips)

My friend just bought the same memory and runs the same mhz and timings, i read him my settings straight from the bios. He has ultra-d also but he has single core sd 3700.

What motherboard do you have and what chip?

Have you tried 2.5-3-3-7 using this memory guide?
Ok if you are looking at OCZ you have 3 choices for 2 x 1 GB:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/memory/ocz_el_ddr_pc_3200_dual_channel_platinum PC3200 platinum (what you are inquiring about) which overclocks like crap :eek:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/produc...pc_4000_1024mb_gold_edition_dual_channel-2gb_ PC4000 Gold which overclock pretty good.

and the new released:


PC4000 EB platinum which is supposed to overclock like a champ at tighter timings than the ballistix. :D
xenon expert said:
Ok if you are looking at OCZ you have 3 choices for 2 x 1 GB:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/memory/ocz_el_ddr_pc_3200_dual_channel_platinum PC3200 platinum (what you are inquiring about) which overclocks like crap :eek:

The only thing that matters on the A64 is timings. People lowering any timings to get more "bandwidth" are treading water, performance-wise. That's why I went with these "crap" overclockers. Their timings are fine and dividers are convenient enough.

xenon expert said:

PC4000 EB platinum which is supposed to overclock like a champ at tighter timings than the ballistix. :D

They're over $300. It's just not worth it to me. I went with 3700EBs at their peak last fall and I regretted it all year.
xenon expert said:
Ok if you are looking at OCZ you have 3 choices for 2 x 1 GB:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/memory/ocz_el_ddr_pc_3200_dual_channel_platinum PC3200 platinum (what you are inquiring about) which overclocks like crap :eek:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/produc...pc_4000_1024mb_gold_edition_dual_channel-2gb_ PC4000 Gold which overclock pretty good.

and the new released:


PC4000 EB platinum which is supposed to overclock like a champ at tighter timings than the ballistix. :D

i have them memory that "overclocks like crap" and i am running 240 right now testing to see how stable it is. I would not call 240 crap
While 240 is not crap compared to 200 stock i am still not happy with 240 which is why i plan on going either with z503 or new ocz 4000 eb.

280-300 is much cooler :cool:
xenon expert said:
Ok if you are looking at OCZ you have 3 choices for 2 x 1 GB:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/memory/ocz_el_ddr_pc_3200_dual_channel_platinum PC3200 platinum (what you are inquiring about) which overclocks like crap :eek:

http://www.ocztechnology.com/produc...pc_4000_1024mb_gold_edition_dual_channel-2gb_ PC4000 Gold which overclock pretty good.

and the new released:


PC4000 EB platinum which is supposed to overclock like a champ at tighter timings than the ballistix. :D

i just bought the second one for 225!! hopefully it works great! cas 3 tho i wonder if it gets tighter
ive seen the Platinums for 220 at Monarch, but where'd u find the Golds for 225?
Bigjohns97 said:
My friend just bought the same memory and runs the same mhz and timings, i read him my settings straight from the bios. He has ultra-d also but he has single core sd 3700.

What motherboard do you have and what chip?

Have you tried 2.5-3-3-7 using this memory guide?
I've tried many, many different settings. 3-4-4-8 won't even get me over 220MHz. I'm sure you just got lucky and got a good set. Some will overclock, most won't.

I have a DFI UT NF4 Ultra-D and a 3200+ Winchester.

I also go to dfi-street often to see what's up, so I've seen all the guides there.

I frequent BleedinEdge also where OCZ's official support is. This thread there gives some insight. http://www.bleedinedge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12758&page=2&pp=15 I posted on that thread when I first got my Plats to see if my 220MHz wall was just bad luck, but it wasn't.

I have the 704-2BT BIOS but I haven't flashed to it yet. I might give that a shot. It's not going to be worth it for me though unless I can get to 240MHz I'll still have to run a divider.
infiniti029 said:
ive seen the Platinums for 220 at Monarch, but where'd u find the Golds for 225?

dude on forums sold it to me yesterday. on newegg its 325 . i dont have much knowledge on them since its out of my price range and i stick to value type ram but the high price tag on newegg made me jump on the ram he was selling. :)
xenon expert said:
and the new released:


PC4000 EB platinum which is supposed to overclock like a champ at tighter timings than the ballistix. :D

The new 4000EB is no better than the Platinum 3200. I asked OCZ today how far the kit will go at 2-2-2-5 or 2-3-2-5 and here's the response:


OCZ Staff
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Posts: 5,285

They don't run 2-2-2-5....they run about 215-230 ish at 2-3-2-5

That's the same performance as the PC3200 Platinums. The only difference is the EB 4000s go higher with relaxed timings, which is just pointless.
dtess17 said:
i have them memory that "overclocks like crap" and i am running 240 right now testing to see how stable it is. I would not call 240 crap

Good for you but you are an exception...not the norm. ;)
xenon expert said:
Good for you but you are an exception...not the norm. ;)

to make sure everyone is clear i did up the timings, and voltage and i am using 5/4 mem divider

for stock everything 219 or so was my max
Well, I popped in the PC3200 Platinum 2-3-2-5 sticks last night and so far I'm very pleased. 2-2-2-5-1T is out of the question, except at 200 or below, but I'm still pushing them at default timings. So far, I'm at 211 @ 2-3-2-5-1T and I'm still seeing how far my 3700+ will take them before crapping out. I'm running OCCT while I'm at work.
If you are going run memtest you should get the bootable-cd version google it to find it.

If you are going to bench in windows use everest.
aldamon said:
The new 4000EB is no better than the Platinum 3200. I asked OCZ today how far the kit will go at 2-2-2-5 or 2-3-2-5 and here's the response:


OCZ Staff
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Posts: 5,285

They don't run 2-2-2-5....they run about 215-230 ish at 2-3-2-5

That's the same performance as the PC3200 Platinums. The only difference is the EB 4000s go higher with relaxed timings, which is just pointless.

If you keep reading you will see his other results

My pair ran 255 at 2.5-3-2-6

That's pretty damn impressive.
aldamon said:
The only thing that matters on the A64 is timings. People lowering any timings to get more "bandwidth" are treading water, performance-wise. That's why I went with these "crap" overclockers. Their timings are fine and dividers are convenient enough.

They're over $300. It's just not worth it to me. I went with 3700EBs at their peak last fall and I regretted it all year.

Do you have an a64 system, if so i would like you to run your fast timings under everest and tell me what latency score you get since you are so involved with timings.

We can then comapre to the 280mhz results that are shown with the new ocz 4000eb and see who wins.
Bigjohns97 said:
Do you have an a64 system, if so i would like you to run your fast timings under everest and tell me what latency score you get since you are so involved with timings.

We can then comapre to the 280mhz results that are shown with the new ocz 4000eb and see who wins.

This issue has been debated to death. There's really no point. It's your money. You can spend it any way you like :)
Am i better to run stock timings and have a small overclock like 215-220 or run a divider like a 3/2 or 5/4 and relax the timings to 2.5-3-3-8? and get 235-245?

Also is there any performace difference between 3/2 and 5/4?
it all depends on the final ram speed for the dividers ;)

either way you go, i doubt you'll notice a difference. if you really care, run some benches of programs you normally use, and figure out which really is faster :D
(i'll venture that 235-245mhz at 2.5-3-3 is better than 2-3-2 at 200mhz though)
I just got 2 gigs of this stuff a few days ago. Been playing around with it a bit and I have it at 240@3-3-3-10. I'm happy with it.

Well I did some extensive testing when I got mine...

1. At stock voltage and stock speed (DDR400), I was able to tighten the timings to 2-2-2-5.
2. With looser timings (3-3-3-8 1T) I was able to go all the way up to 240FSB (DDR480). My CPU couldn't do that without putting more than 1.5vcore, so I left it at 235.

Current timings/speed
DDR470 @ 3-3-3-8 1T w/ 2.8V
I think that the 875p chipset i have now is really holding me back.

I really need to move over to a AMD Nforce 4 system.

Well i guess i'll try to benchmark with different settings when i get home, and i'll post what happens.
dtess17 said:
I think that the 875p chipset i have now is really holding me back.

I really need to move over to a AMD Nforce 4 system.

Well i guess i'll try to benchmark with different settings when i get home, and i'll post what happens.

That's exactly what I've just done. I've had Intel systems forever and finally decided to try the AMD route. I've got 4x512 stick of this memory. Will I have to run it at 2T or is there a way to go to 1T. I'm assuming if you up the cas settings then you could go with 1T. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated since I'm new to AMD land. Should I ditch the 4 and get 2x1 gig?
gman said:
That's exactly what I've just done. I've had Intel systems forever and finally decided to try the AMD route. I've got 4x512 stick of this memory. Will I have to run it at 2T or is there a way to go to 1T. I'm assuming if you up the cas settings then you could go with 1T. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated since I'm new to AMD land. Should I ditch the 4 and get 2x1 gig?

from what i have already leared about AMD is that 4x512 usually = 2T

I made the upgrade to 2x1024 just to be able to run 1T at DDR400

i honestly can not wait to ditch this Intel system...hopefully X-mas this year i will have enough to build something new. AMD here i come
dtess17 said:
from what i have already leared about AMD is that 4x512 usually = 2T
to be exact, 4x512mb almost always means 2T, and sometimes 166mhz :D
I just ordered a set of these. I don't overclock much, will be interesting to see if these make any significant difference from the pqi 3-3-3-8 I've got in there now.
I've got the 2-2-2-5 or whatever order. If I just run 2x512 will that work at 1T? I don't play too many games that need the 2 gigs. I just hate to have to sell 4 sticks and buy 2, but if I have to I guess I will. :eek:
2 double sided sticks will be fine at 1T unless your mobo simply sucks at life
(cf)Eclipse said:
2 double sided sticks will be fine at 1T unless your mobo simply sucks at life
And then what do you do if it does suck at life? Put it in a striped polo shirt, some girl jeans, a hoodie, and make it listen to Dashboard Confessional?
GilmourD said:
And then what do you do if it does suck at life? Put it in a striped polo shirt, some girl jeans, a hoodie, and make it listen to Dashboard Confessional?

GilmourD said:
And then what do you do if it does suck at life? Put it in a striped polo shirt, some girl jeans, a hoodie, and make it listen to Dashboard Confessional?
i would personally get a new one and sell the mobo to someone who won't be trying to overclock it ;)