290X Direct CUII Price Drops


Mar 1, 2006

Yeah, $599 isn't exactly the greatest thing ever but considering what these used to cost, this seems alright. I was waiting for a decent price on a decent non reference card. Considering retail on this model is $50 bucks more than the reference model I'm content. Happy to say I wont be mining with it either. Mining can go to hell. Just my opinion of course ;)
Meh, still overpriced. I can afford to wait for ASICs to completely kill off the GPU craze. Or at least until The Witcher 3 drops.
Amazon has the R9 290 for $469.99 now. Not bad if you don't mind 5% less performance.
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Amazon has the R9 290 for $469.99 now. Not bad if you don't mind 5% less performance.

That MSI has been in stock and on amazon for over a month now. Lots of negative reviews on that one...
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That MSI has been in stock and on amazon for over a month now. Lots of negative reviews on that one...

Three reviews there and one was negative (and that guy apparently has shitty case cooling and bad luck)...
That MSI has been in stock and on amazon for over a month now. Lots of negative reviews on that one...

one = lots? it's an msi card with a twin frozr cooler. how could it be bad?
Most of the crypto world is realizing that the high end high power cards are not the super optimal card for mining. Of course if you are going for density and have deep pockets the 290's are where it's at but you need high end PSU's to go along with em.

270's are the new sweet spot it seems, hell I've bought 7 of them in the past month myself. They are rock solid, quiet, relatively low power, of course it's a huge trade off in density but I like knowing I don't have to go and buy a 300 dollar PSU just to power three cards . With my scale and budget they are way more flexible, plus they are a breeze to setup and overclock, I have yet to spend more than 10 minutes configuring a rig. No more spending 5 hours tweaking to find optimal hash rate.

I paid 399 for my reference 290's when they came out, if I'd have known, I'd have bought about 20 more to resell, lol
Most of the crypto world is realizing that the high end high power cards are not the super optimal card for mining. Of course if you are going for density and have deep pockets the 290's are where it's at but you need high end PSU's to go along with em.

270's are the new sweet spot it seems, hell I've bought 7 of them in the past month myself. They are rock solid, quiet, relatively low power, of course it's a huge trade off in density but I like knowing I don't have to go and buy a 300 dollar PSU just to power three cards . With my scale and budget they are way more flexible, plus they are a breeze to setup and overclock, I have yet to spend more than 10 minutes configuring a rig. No more spending 5 hours tweaking to find optimal hash rate.

I paid 399 for my reference 290's when they came out, if I'd have known, I'd have bought about 20 more to resell, lol

Die, miner. I hate you people. Stop jacking up my GPU prices.
Die, miner. I hate you people. Stop jacking up my GPU prices.

Your tears just make me want to buy more GPU's

You do know that nothing is stopping you from buying GPU's and mining yourself right, it actually is profitable. Why the hell else would I go and buy seven R9 270s when I have crossfire 290's in my main rig for gaming (that was actually paid for by mining)? Oh that's right because I can make money even after paying for the cards and power to run them.

I understand there are people truly risk averse, but if you are smart you can start from nothing and wind up with quite a large profitable operation that costs you nothing in the long term. It's not a get rich quick scheme anymore unless you just happen to luck out with a certain coin or market fluctuation, safe return on investment is currently around 90 days for each dollar you spend. Some people aren't that patient which is sad because 90 days is still an incredible speed for 100% return.

I started with a single 6950 I bought for gaming - I'm not one of those guys who goes out and spends 10K on GPUs on a whim, or runs special 220V circuits. But building and re-investing while taking profits I was able to build to ~ 13GPU's currently.

Not sure if you really are that butt-hurt over the current market or just making silly playful comments, but if you are, you really need to educate yourself on free market economics. There is money to be made and if you are too stupid or too lazy to do something about it. Well, it leads to hilarious posts like yours.

The mining craze might die off tomorrow I wouldn't lose a single dollar because it's all free at this point as I make sure to stay in the black. I've had some fun and have some pretty sweet hardware left over should the market blow up in my face.

Do you wish others to die when a certain product is "hot" during a christmas season? do you actively wish death on someone at a car dealership who wants a rare car so bad he's willing to out bid you? I bet you are a joy to be around when you lose an ebay auction.

In the end everyone wants something... the two questions you have to ask is how badly do you want it? and are you willing to work for it? (either an actual job, or mining)

You refer to them as "your" GPU prices -- the funny part about that is, it's not yours till you actually pay for it, which seems to be a recurring issue that you have. You don't want to pay for it. Go be lazy somewhere else.
haha that guy trolled the crap out of you, you just wrote an essay about mining that no one is going to read
Meh, still overpriced. I can afford to wait for ASICs to completely kill off the GPU craze. Or at least until The Witcher 3 drops.

Well, I hope you like waiting, cause new asic resistant algo's are coming out all the time. Scypt-n, x11, etc. A lot of us miners have completely stopped mining scrypt because of asics. It isn't the miners faults that retailers are price gouging, the US is pretty much the only place they're doing this. Europe and Asia have no problem getting gpu's at msrp. You're petty anger is misplaced.
Well, I hope you like waiting, cause new asic resistant algo's are coming out all the time. Scypt-n, x11, etc. A lot of us miners have completely stopped mining scrypt because of asics. It isn't the miners faults that retailers are price gouging, the US is pretty much the only place they're doing this. Europe and Asia have no problem getting gpu's at msrp. You're petty anger is misplaced.

Wait, potential buyers in other countries also aren't being gouged as badly as anyone looking to purchase a GPU in the North American market has been? I'm honestly curious.
Wait, potential buyers in other countries also aren't being gouged as badly as anyone looking to purchase a GPU in the North American market has been? I'm honestly curious.

I'm no miner but from the random info I've read here and there it would seem the cost of electricity in other countries prohibits mining from being profitable and in return the prices are not being inflated.
Love how the prices are dropping.

But does this mean that altcoins are no longer profitable? Haven't been following them much
270's or 750TI's are the only way to go IMO for people who live in CA and pay out the nose for power.
I mined 25 bitcoins with the rig in my sig, in 2010.