27" 1920x1200 TN panels


Apr 3, 2011
Seeing that the egg had the Hanns-G HZ281HPB on sale got me thinking about a monitor upgrade. I currently run a samsung 2232bw+ (1680x1050). It's a TN panel, but has worked real well for me. It is primarily a gaming setup. That said, I am also an engineer, and I get annoyed at the 1680x1050 resolutions sometimes. I think a 1080p monitor would be an improvement, but a 1920x1200 would really help while not sacrificing gaming performance much (which is the primary concern, otherwise I'd go IPS). After poking around the net, there doesn't seem to be a ton of options out there...Hanns-G scares me, otherwise I would just pull the trigger on that. Any recommendations I might be missing? Thanks for the advice!

(edit...24" panels at that resolution are also a pretty good option for me. I need DVI due to my KVM also)
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You'll get a sharper image with a 24" monitor, but if size is more important than image quality, then Asus and Hanns-G has a good selection of monitors in the 27" category.
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Yeah, a 24 is actually probably better for me, but there isn't a lot out there at 1920x1200, and that sure seems like a more worthy upgrade than 1920x1080 (I don't care about aspect ratio, I do care about screen real estate for coding). I am considering the U2412M, even though it is an IPS panel -- it makes me nervous the motion blur will make me sad as I go from a TN to an IPS.
I have owned 4 of the Hanns-G (2 were I-Inc, which is the same) and they are just terrific monitors for the money. I vastly prefer '1200p' over 1080p, since most of my work is with spreadsheets. Fast response time, excellent size, and built in crappy speakers if you need them (which I have, the 2 times I had to send my corsair SP2200's in for RMA).

My desktop is in my bedroom, so the LCD often was used for netflix, hulu, etc- something a 24" would not be great for, sitting across the room.

Edit: FWIW, I now use a 3007WFP and the slower response is not noticeable to me. Unless you are a heavy FPS player, I would not discount IPS panels due to the response time. I play SC2 and the witcher, for reference.