260 vs 285 SLI - Which to choose?


Dec 6, 2008
I've been beating my head against a wall for the past few days trying to decide between two 260 GTX or two 285 GTX for a new build I've got going on.

I've seen Hot Deals for the 216 core 260's the past few days where I can get both cards for about $360 whereas the 285's are running about $325 each ($650 for 2 in SLI). While I'm a 'bang for the buck' kind of guy most of the time, in the past I've been burned by going 'bang for the buck' with video cards. It always seems I get the cheaper, best card for the money, and end up regretting it because the game(s) I am playing at the time would be much more enjoyable with just a few more horsepower under the hood.

However, we're talking about nearly $300 extra for the 285's vs the 260's so opinions please. :D
get the 2 GTX260's, the extra $300 is not worth the performance increase from 2x260's to 2x285's IMO
What about the option of getting one 285 now and another later when prices drop? Still think 2x260's is a better option?
get the 2 GTX260's, the extra $300 is not worth the performance increase from 2x260's to 2x285's IMO

Unless your at 2560x1600, I'd agree with the above. Really SLI 260s should be more than enough horsepower for 1920x1200 or less.
Thanks for the input everyone. I'm gonna go the single GTX 285 route for now and when necessary look into adding a second one.
