2500ks SMART failure?


Apr 12, 2005

I have wd2500ks, new, and Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows sometimes (1 out of 20) report SMART failure status at the program start. Then I click at detailed view and EVERYTHING is green (pass) at the secend window, and at the same time, at the first (main program) windows SMART status change to PASS!

I have checked EVERY smart value and ALL are something like current value 200, Threshold 100, worst 200 (all ok), so I think its just Data Lifeguard behaving strange!? Only BE attribute is at VALUE 62-70, Threshold 45 (i think, I am at work so I am writing this without looking at my disk) and WORST 41, so at least once disk temperature was to high.

Disk report BE attribute as airflow temperature.

Disk is in Chieftec midi tower, in ZALMAN heatpipe HDD cooler, becouse I want to reduce case vibrations coused by HDD.

I have run 10 quick and 2 extended test, 1 Windows surface scans and full format, no errors.

Is my disk ok?

This is my second 2500ks, first died after 3 weeks, CANNOT SEEK or something like that, refused to boot.
I returned the first one of these drives because of that error. The second one I got shows the same SMART error (actually "unknown attribute"). I posted a thread about this on Western Digital's forum, and got no relevant replies. Same with WD's e-mail tech suport (which took almost two weeks to respond).

I've run other SMART utilities on the drive with NO SMART error (although they all report that "unknown attribute"). My guess is that their own utility doesn't do a good job of recognizing these newer drives. Notice the date on the newest Data Lifeguard is late 2004.

Anyways, I've been running this drive for about a month with no issues.
My first drive died after 2 weeks becouse of seek error. That drive also has UNKNOWN attribute.

Second drive has Airflow instead of unknown attribute.it also (1 out of 20) report SMART failure status at the program (Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows) start. Then I click at detailed view and EVERYTHING is green (pass) at the secend window, and at the same time, at the first (main program) windows SMART status change to PASS!

Airflow is at Value 60, threshold 45, worst 41.
I use zalman hdd cooler

it is drive temp and its around 38c