2500$ Budget for Display, need advice.


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2010
I am building a new PC for myself in the next month or two and I am really at a loss at which way to go for my display budget.

Here is a few options I have considered.

1. 30" mainscreen (mostlikely the HP one since I almost only game) with 2 sides in potrait modes.

2. Three Budget Viewsonic 1080p projectors to run in eyefinity (I kinda dread the lamp change on that setup)

3. Three 120hz 27" TN panels for Eyefinity / 3d gaming

Id like feedback on any of those setups if you have experience with them and what are the pros and cons according to you. Also if you have another setup I might not have considered please let me know. For all configurations you can assume I will get sufficient GPU power to drive it.

Edit: Also I have a dedicated PC room with no ambiant lights and currently game with a 1080p projector at 200" and I have to say .. bigger is nice!
Well, nothing really it's just we'll move it to the living room to replace an old LCD TV. So along with my new build I need to get a new display solution. So I wanted to up the ante on resolution from 1080p while at it, not that I have anything againts 1080p gaming, but kids are on the way and I figured it was now or never to get myself a nice setup that I can drag along for a while and just upgrade core components every couple of years while keeping all the Display, Case, PSU, Water Cooling Setup, Etc...
budget out some more $ and just go hp Zr30w eyefinity, I just got a Zr30w couple weeks ago and couldnt be happier.
Well the problem with that is that 3x ZR30s will set me back 3600$ or more.. thats coming out of my system build, which in turn would mean No Watercooling and No SSD to because I could not conpromise in GPU power and might even need more than previously.

Another thing is that while I know IPS have better picture quality, I suspect that 120hz when you have a machine that can push those 120 frames out must make a better experience. So I was really keen to look into a 3x1 27" 120hz in Portrait mode setup. With Bezel removal and if you overlap the middle screen usualy the bezels will become < 1cm and not be such a distraction.

Oher than that, I would bend towards super large screen multiple projectors... Ideally if I can even keep the display budget under 2k then I can add more Omphs to my machine and drive eyefinity 120hz on higher settings.

I heard Vega is looking into a 3x1 120hz setup with 27" screens. Def going to look into that more seriously.
You should have a look at 120hz before making that assumption. When I got a 3D monitor I was pretty excited to see what 120hz looked like with, say, Unreal Tournament. I wasn't blown away. It was a little better, but because of the money involved I'd highly recommend seeing if you think it actually makes a big difference for you in person as compared to an IPS panel; I'm guessing you'd find the IPS qualities more important in the long run.
Throwing in my recommendation for the ZR30w, it's a fantastic gaming/multi use monitor and it will cost you half that budget. 1600p is simply amazing!
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I hear that. Does anyone that have owned both a 120hz monitor and the HP 30" (low latency) can tell if there is a big difference?

The other thing I kind of liked with the 120hz option is that it allows me to go 3d if I want to.

30" does have the dot pitch going for it, color and viewing angles.

As long as colors are "ok" it's enough for me as I dont use this professionally at all. Strickly a gaming rig.
As long as colors are "ok" it's enough for me as I dont use this professionally at all. Strickly a gaming rig.

I think the biggest problem that you will find with using 3 120Hz monitors is that their viewing angles are rather shitty so there may be some discoloration of the side screens.
I think the biggest problem that you will find with using 3 120Hz monitors is that their viewing angles are rather shitty so there may be some discoloration of the side screens.

Yeah, that was a slight worry, tough when you setup I am fairly sure you can position monitors for the viewing angles to not be an issue?

Anyone with a 3 TN monitor setup can vouch for that?
Option #1, that or a 27". Fewer high quality displays >>> multiple crappy displays. IPS all the way IMHO.
Option #1, that or a 27". Fewer high quality displays >>> multiple crappy displays. IPS all the way IMHO.

Uhm, in that case I wouldnt want to go below 1600p.

What would be the best gaming 30" out there?

I hear good things about the HPZR30 and its lack of a scaler bringing less latency.