24kt gold ipod touches

You know, it's funny, the place I work sold one of them recently. I think it shipped to Denmark or something.

I hope it shipped! :D Should have that next one for your place of business by the 3rd-4th. Along with two others (for someone else). Diamonds arrived early this time so we're only slightly behind.

Also saw the PC Magazine 25th Anniversary issue. Neat little blurb and a picture of the GDMBP.
Decided on polished black nickel for the first one. Probably wont get it back for another month since I've given them enough MBP's to keep them busy through the start of the year.

Black nickel (like Zalman use on their 'nVidia' 9700) would look awesome, the gold however looks so incredibly tacky.

No offence to you, as clearly you're very good at it I just can't stand gold :p
Black nickel (like Zalman use on their 'nVidia' 9700) would look awesome, the gold however looks so incredibly tacky.

No offense to you, as clearly you're very good at it I just can't stand gold :p

I tried using it in a way that isn't terribly offensive. I mean there's a variety of finishes to use with gold. I'm just doing what people ask for currently. If most of the orders are overseas, it's easier to just say "the one in the picture" rather than ask them which finish they prefer on xxx panel.
iPhone..........these are a pain.


Probably not going to be at pdxlan, too much work. Sadly it's all leaving the country. I don't think a single one stays here. If you want something done just give me a ring, I'll probably be in the shop on xmas even...Cant afford a day off.

You want to go to PDXLAN 11? I have 3/4 of a table reserved. I will GIVE you a seat if you can commit by Feb 1st dude. PLEASE make time to go. PM me.
And there will be another UBER modder or two there not normally at PDXLAN you will want to meet . . .these guys are TOP notch.
how did you manage to get the iphone apart. all the teardowns ive seen end up breaking it too much to put back together.
useless for what they are promoted as (PMP)

I keep reading this but it simply isnt true. Can you fit your entire music/video collection on it? Of course not. Can you put enough on there to keep you busy for longer than the fricking battery will last? Absolutely. Can it fit a whole weekend? Depends how much video you want to watch, but enough TV to last a few hours a day for sure. And more music than you can listen to in a weekend is absolutely true.

So, it's too small for lazy people who want their entire collection, but for normal people who can spend 2 minutes making a playlist and setting which episodes they want downloaded to the thing, its plenty big. I've got several thousand songs on mine, got about 5 hours of video and over 4000 photos on it with 2 gigs to spare.
how did you manage to get the iphone apart. all the teardowns ive seen end up breaking it too much to put back together.

We buy new housings (blanks and ones with buttons still on it). The epoxy removal is a pain but if you leave any of those inside parts on, it'll fall off in the nitric. So basically you plate the blanks and use the other housings for parts. Try getting the plastic buttons out without breaking other parts, thinner-ing them to death or heating them till they melt. That's why they cost more than the ipod plating. We don't necessarily specialize in plating them though. People send along all kinds of things (typically mac related).