24kt Gold 17" Macbook Pro

Ya know, if someone had said to me they were going to buy, or going to make a gold plated Macbook, I'd have laughed.
But seeing the pictures ... WOW. Amazing work!
Hehe, can't have it all, eh? :)

How about a regular Macbook in gold?

Plastic isn't my thing. The new plater does do plastic plating but it's just not worth it IMO. The gold isn't the same and can wear easy.

Coming up next is....well no mac pro (that'd be in the thousands easy)...I've got a Macbook Air and superdrive (both yellow 24kt), iphone variations, more MBPs, and I'm still waiting on the gold imac housing. Should be here soon.

edit: thanks runner.

edit2: Also got a new website coming up. Hoping the designer and I can produce something good. Finding a good design in general is a pain. At least the site will be a bit more official though.

And if anyone knows of a good graphics designer, I'm in need of one. I'm scouring deviant art for talent because I can't find any local talent.
The air, is still up in the air. I got one just to dismantle/break it trying to plate it :D