
Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 12, 2002
I hate adding to all the 2405 threads but if I am going to spend the money, I feel I should ask for myself.

I dont care what Dell says at this point anymore, I just want to know what all of you feel about the monitor.

I know its huge but I heard its boderline too big. By this I mean, for desktop applications, one might say its too much. I cant see how but they do--what do you think?

Whats gaming like...I know what the response time is, I just care what some of you feel. Ghosting, lagging or color issues? I LOVE FPS type games, UT and stuff.

I heard that the monitor using DVI has issues with brightness control but under analog its fine--otherwise you need to use the video cards features to adjust--what about this?

Has anybody has any dead pixels or that backlit problem with this monitor?

Finally, any decent coupons available?

Thanks guys (and gals), I trust your opinions.
Pkirk618 said:
I hate adding to all the 2405 threads but if I am going to spend the money, I feel I should ask for myself.

I dont care what Dell says at this point anymore, I just want to know what all of you feel about the monitor.

I know its huge but I heard its boderline too big. By this I mean, for desktop applications, one might say its too much. I cant see how but they do--what do you think?

Whats gaming like...I know what the response time is, I just care what some of you feel. Ghosting, lagging or color issues? I LOVE FPS type games, UT and stuff.

I heard that the monitor using DVI has issues with brightness control but under analog its fine--otherwise you need to use the video cards features to adjust--what about this?

Has anybody has any dead pixels or that backlit problem with this monitor?

Finally, any decent coupons available?

Thanks guys (and gals), I trust your opinions.

no baclight problems 2 dead subpixels popped up after 2 days...believe me they werent there....definatley no lagging or ghosting...color is great u just have to spend some time tuning.....movies are semi grainy, i guess cuz it is huge......games are awesome, too large when it is scaled for me, i keep getting killed in fps and i consider myself to be great..it is hard playing so close to the screen at that size...at1:1 its awesome and feels like playing on my 2005fpw
Can't help you with the coupon, but if you check the humongous thread about he 2405, you'll see many people who commented on the display. In general, those who have the 2405 love it, and those who don't have no idea what they are missing.

Bottom line:

So do u think its too big? Sound like the grainy areas and light issues may be cuz we are so close to the monitor.

Believe me, I want it but dont want to make a thousand dollar wrong decision.

And yeah, I can search all day but I wanted my own answers.

Or...let me ask you this, what about two 21 inch LCDS together, would that be a better option. Im not rich though I could spring for those or the 24 depending on some answers.

I currently have a 19in LCD that games well with its 16ms response time. Im happy but was interested in a larger screen. I know my other option is to just get another 19 for my setup.....arrrgh. Any words, advice is aprreciated.
if you have doubts, don't buy it.

The grainy effect comes from scaling a 720x480 (DVD quality) onto a 1920x1200 screen. If you play a 720p or 1080i video, you wouldn't see any issues. There are ways to counter the grainy effect (some applications can upscale the video).

Games are jaw dropping on the 2405. I play UT2K4, HL2, CS:S, SW: Republic Commando, etc.. and they look incredible. Friends who have seen the display are left sobbing in awe and envy. I suffer from display withdrawal using a 19" 4:3 LCD at work.
If you guys arent using zoom player with ffdshow, do so now.

This lcd does show imperfections in upscaling worse than other monitors with the same resolution. I never felt the need to improve dvd quality with my L2335. BTW, in the tutorial, set your resize resolution to what your display resolution is while keeping 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080. It will cripple most systems with that res though, but if your rig can handle it then thats best. I have to run it at 1280x720.
HybridHB said:
If you guys arent using zoom player with ffdshow, do so now.

This lcd does show imperfections in upscaling worse than other monitors with the same resolution. I never felt the need to improve dvd quality with my L2335. BTW, in the tutorial, set your resize resolution to what your display resolution is while keeping 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080. It will cripple most systems with that res though, but if your rig can handle it then thats best. I have to run it at 1280x720.

you dont need vivo for that do you?
I just received my 2405 this week and all I can say is this LCD is phenomenal. I do allot of .NET developent, Photoshop, etc. and it works perfectly. I can finally get multiple applications side by side. I don't think you could ever have an issue with this LCD being to big. Also, try not to over analyze on the price because it's well within reason. By the way, no dead pixels.
I suppose I'm in the same boat as pkirk. I REALLY want this LCD, but don't want to invest in something that may be a bit overkill. I currently don't play many games due to my weak system. But plan on upgrading in the months to come. I watch a LOT of dvd's, but I'll probably invest in a nice 42" plasma and not watch them on a uncomfie chair. So far does everyone seem content with their buy?
If you think it's too big, there's always the 2005 at half the price.
I am loving my 2405. It just arrived today and software development on it is just awesome.

I use Visual Studio.NET and it makes the IDE sooooooo much more manageable and easy to work with. I haven't delved into my image manipulation programs yet, but I am sure it will work very well.

I have found no dead pixels yet. I hope none show up after a few days like a the poster above.

As far as gaming is concerned, I have only run World of Warcraft on it. Aliasing is a major issue. I upped the AA to 4X and it helped a LOT, but there was still aliasing. Hopefully, once I get my SLI system built I will be able to drive this monitor more effectively.

WoW is amazing, though, at that resolution. Ironforge looks awesome. I am gonna fire up HL2 and Doom 3 and see how those games fare on the 2405.

All in all, it's an excellent screen for a great price. I jumped on the $860 deal and got it for $900 after taxes/shipping were added.
thanks for the words folks.

That said, Im going to start 5 more threads asking about this Dell monitor--jk (though I am refering to the idiotic thread started about making threads) but I think ANYONE who is in the market for a DELL LCD would appreciate real world questions answered.

Im going to visit with our local direct outlet shop to see the monitor up close. You think they might have them stored somewhere? All I know is, with this much money going into a monitor, I want to make sure I got things straight.
i just played gt4 on 1080i...not very impressed, although my friend said it looked better than it did on his tv...i dunno if it even worked correctly, u see alot of lines. this is my 1st time using a component connection, so i really don't know much about it
thats why I feel its good to wait and see from those who purchased theirs to give more reviews.

One thing that weighs heavily in my mind is a 2 monitor set up. Wouldnt there be some benefit with two 20's side by side vs one 24in model?

What do you guys think....they cost the same 2 or 1.
With a 24" screen on my desk, the only reason I'd get a second monitor is to check Web page displays on a smaller screen (I'm a developer). And in that case, I'd pick up a 15" monitor and run it at 800x600 resolution.

Two 20" screens--man, that's a lot of desk area, even for a flat panel footprint.40+ inches across... That'd be too much for me.

But that's just my opinion. YMMV.
yeah the space would be an issue, but the option factor with 2 monitors seems easier.
RyanR100 said:
I am loving my 2405. It just arrived today and software development on it is just awesome.

I use Visual Studio.NET and it makes the IDE sooooooo much more manageable and easy to work with. I haven't delved into my image manipulation programs yet, but I am sure it will work very well.

I have found no dead pixels yet. I hope none show up after a few days like a the poster above.

As far as gaming is concerned, I have only run World of Warcraft on it. Aliasing is a major issue. I upped the AA to 4X and it helped a LOT, but there was still aliasing. Hopefully, once I get my SLI system built I will be able to drive this monitor more effectively.

WoW is amazing, though, at that resolution. Ironforge looks awesome. I am gonna fire up HL2 and Doom 3 and see how those games fare on the 2405.

All in all, it's an excellent screen for a great price. I jumped on the $860 deal and got it for $900 after taxes/shipping were added.

I run WoW on this screen at full res(everyting at max) with a radeon 9800 pro and is just fine fps is 25-30 dips a bit in areas with a lot of people but thats ok. So I don't know why you need to use AA.
So is the consnesus that this monitor, though beautiful, big and has jaw dropping graphics with games is not very practical for day to day web/processing needs?

I see some of us are using the addition of another monitor to do that chore and the big one for games and movies.

I know Dell monitors have the option of rotating the monitor. Seems like a good idea when it comes to viewing whole documents and such....do you people use that?

I ask cuz I am starting to lean toward--

just another monitor to compliment my current setup

or two 19 inch and above larger monitors and ditch my current monitor.
Pkirk618 said:
So is the consnesus that this monitor, though beautiful, big and has jaw dropping graphics with games is not very practical for day to day web/processing needs?

I see some of us are using the addition of another monitor to do that chore and the big one for games and movies.

I know Dell monitors have the option of rotating the monitor. Seems like a good idea when it comes to viewing whole documents and such....do you people use that?

I ask cuz I am starting to lean toward--

just another monitor to compliment my current setup

or two 19 inch and above larger monitors and ditch my current monitor.

It's awesome for webuse. You have have two windows open side by side in their full length and browse both at the same time. or have word open on one side and IE or firefox open on the other, and work on both, and then still have room to spare. The desktop size is huge.It's terrific for the day to day stuff.
is beiing able to work on both monitors as simple as using two? In other words, with two monitors its pretty much automatic that the sizing meets the edges on each. DO you have to work harder to make it happen on one big one, constantly readjusting? Is it possible to play say UT2004 and have the other side open with messenging services, webpages and mail? If this can be done, then hell yeah--im sold on this.
Pkirk618 said:
So is the consnesus that this monitor, though beautiful, big and has jaw dropping graphics with games is not very practical for day to day web/processing needs?

I see some of us are using the addition of another monitor to do that chore and the big one for games and movies.

I know Dell monitors have the option of rotating the monitor. Seems like a good idea when it comes to viewing whole documents and such....do you people use that?

I ask cuz I am starting to lean toward--

just another monitor to compliment my current setup

or two 19 inch and above larger monitors and ditch my current monitor.
I picked up 2x2001FPs in Feb, when they were on sale. Total price: 888UKP. Cost of the 2405FPW ... 860.

Very happy with the 2001s, but if the 2405 had been out at the time I might have been tempted to get that. The advantage with the 2 monitors that you wouldn't get with a single 2405 is that you can rotate one of them... so you can have a portrait monitor and a landscape monitor. Very handy for webpages that are deeper rather than wider.
Pkirk618 said:
is beiing able to work on both monitors as simple as using two? In other words, with two monitors its pretty much automatic that the sizing meets the edges on each. DO you have to work harder to make it happen on one big one, constantly readjusting? Is it possible to play say UT2004 and have the other side open with messenging services, webpages and mail? If this can be done, then hell yeah--im sold on this.

Dual monitors setup should be able to do what you wrote. I should advice that you do not want to rotate the screens. When you do so, things run very slowly due to overlaying. My experience is using 4 DVI monitors on one computer having all the screens rotated. This way, you can fit them all on one screen and still right in front of you, just a curved panorama. I don't play games, but even on financial charts, my CPU usage goes through the roof just when I mouse over them. I use Portrait display to rotate, your miles may vary if you use a driver integrated rotate feature.

As to the difference between two 20 inches and one 24 incher, you can do the math. If you get a 20 inches with 1600x1200 resolution, two of them would get you over 3.8 mega pixels (that is close to the 4 mega pixel you can get with one Apple 30"). One 24 incher only gives you 2.3 megapixel.
what the heck do you need two 20" displays for? It doesnt make any sense having that many pixels when the max res is only 1680x1050. You cant even play real 1080i video on it...its totally a waste! 1 2405FPW >>> 2 or more 2005fpw put all together ....period!!
Pkirk618 said:
One thing that weighs heavily in my mind is a 2 monitor set up. Wouldnt there be some benefit with two 20's side by side vs one 24in model?

i was thinking about buygin another 2001fp myself, and running 2x 20" LCD's. i did tons of reasearch and asked a lot of people how gaming was on dual LDCs. And let me just say, it sux. if you play RPG's, the crosshairs are right where the 2 LCD boarders meet. can u say annoying?

also, i was told that games will only play on one out of the 2 LCD's. but i dont know how true that is b/c ive seen peoples desktops setups showing (possibly) a vid game on both screens.. could've just been his background though.

also realize, the image is going to get stretced horizontally and not vertically..(assuming your putting them side by side, and not on top of one another). So please note your resolution would NOT be 1600x1200 twice... only one of the 2 numbers would double.. in order to keep everything preportional, u would need 4 LCD's.

if i were u, ide say screw 2x 20" LCDs and get the 24".

just my $.02
ImLazZzy said:
what the heck do you need two 20" displays for? It doesnt make any sense having that many pixels when the max res is only 1680x1050. You cant even play real 1080i video on it...its totally a waste! 1 2405FPW >>> 2 or more 2005fpw put all together ....period!!
Can't speak for games as I don't play games. However, when it comes to web and software development, office software, etc I find dual-screens invaluable. As a DBA at the office I could have all my word, excel, mail etc maximised on one screen while running software to monitor my databases (using, e.g. Quest Spotlight) on the second. I'd have a trickier job doing all that on a single screen, albeit a very big one :)

So, some usage patterns might prefer large screens, others dual screens. Of course, you could always compromise and have two 2405FPW's :D
I would never dream of playing on 2 screens unless of course BF finally comes out with a way to have the map on the other monitor.

2 2405s? LOL
well that my friend is too much. Im trying to weigh this properly based on my needs/entertainment value and such. I like the 2405 thats fo sho.

But I cant afford 2, thats why I laughed. :D
bench261 said:
i just played gt4 on 1080i...not very impressed, although my friend said it looked better than it did on his tv...i dunno if it even worked correctly, u see alot of lines. this is my 1st time using a component connection, so i really don't know much about it

GT4's 1080i isn't true 1080i--they use some hardware tricks to upscale to that resolution, and in addition, interlaced images usually aren't the greatest things in the world to watch. It's not the monitor's fault--blame Polyphony Digital.
i received my 2405FPW Display a couple days ago... and i'd like to know if anyone else is experiencing the same things...

first and foremost, does anyone have any idea where the service tag is on the display... i've called techinical support? several times for hours over the last couple days and given them every single number on this display, none of which seems to be the service tag...

secondly... while the display looks great using the DVI from my laptop... when i connect a DVD player through the component, near the top of the screen, just a couple inches down... i'm getting an inch wide strip of distortion that runs across the entire screen... before anyone jumps to conclusions... i've tested this with multiple DVD titles, and yes 3 different DVD players, including the newest samsung upconvert HD DVD player... and different cables, each time, i'm getting the exact same response... perfect picture most of the screen and inch wide strip at the top of distortion...

i've been trying to get someone from dell to answer this question... but evidently, three phone calls, each lasting almost two hours before i'm ultimately disconnected or hung up on, is not enough...

if anyone has any information, comments, etc... please post them... thanks...
To be totally honest, I would never, ever call Dell for a technical question such as yours. They read from scripts and the tech heads actually know less than you. It is simply not worth your time. I suspect that since many of the calls are outsourced to India, Dell ain't the strongest brand there and so a lot of the reps haven't even used the products you're asking them to troubleshoot.

Also, there is no service tag for monitors. It's a total waste of time. The phone tree is totally worthless for monitors because there are no service tags, but they try to make you enter one before you get help. Dell at its best...
Pkirk618 said:
well that my friend is too much. Im trying to weigh this properly based on my needs/entertainment value and such. I like the 2405 thats fo sho.

But I cant afford 2, thats why I laughed. :D
OK, got it :)
Pkirk618 said:
I would never dream of playing on 2 screens unless of course BF finally comes out with a way to have the map on the other monitor.

2 2405s? LOL

I never understood why they dont make games that can do just that. Heck, a portable console can do it, why not a PC? There are so many games that would benefit from this.
2405 is an ugly SOB, but nonetheless, the Samsung panel used is truly a keeper considering the specs. Just wait a tick though, Dell may very well mess it up this time again with connectivity issues such as banding via component ... yet again, the SOB is so freakin' CHEAP ... Look at all large format LCD displays(23"+) these days - Two models from HP (HP L2335 and HP F2304) are both exetremely unforturnate looking with generic IQ and higher price tag. The Apple 23" Cinema Display is a piece of art with fairly good IQ but expensive and cant be used for hardcore graphics due to color/backlighting issues. The Sony 23" is prettier than the HP but still cant compete with the Apple except its 100-200 dollars cheaper. The Samsung 243T is a very fine display except its plain jean looking, slower RT and high price tag. The BanQ one and the LG Flatron are both on par with the HP. After a long debate with myself, I chose the Apple over others. My point is if you dont like the new Dell, dont want to spend that much on an Apple either but still want a large LCD with good IQ, then you are out of luck. I am learning to love it and tempted to have it side by side with my Apple.