2405 vs 2407 vs apple 23"


Apr 16, 2005
So im looking to get a 24"er before school starts for some good gaming action and im looking between these 3 monitors. I just cannot decide and its driving me nuts as school is approaching. There are good and bad to each but none of them in my mind out weigh the other enough to warrant my $$$. So this is what I came to conclude. Any other notes/help would be appreciated.

2405FPW: Near perfect monitor. Dont know how composite input is but no banding. Doesnt have HDCP and can only really find used. Would like 3+ year warranty. 600+shipping.

2407WFP: Good monitor. Has banding issues still. Can get new and get full warranty. Composite input I hear isnt that great. Banding is my overall concern as I do lots of gaming and I am into graphics (gaming..not professional). $700 + shipping

Apple 23": I hear good things about it. I dont recall any banding troubles with this one. Better quality than the Dell. A tad on the expensive side though. Can get used for 700+ shipping else 800+ shipping new on ebay. 900 new on apples site.

What do you guys think? I dont know much about the apple though yet I hear it has its own problems. Like I said, the one Im leaning to toward the most is the 2405 since its pretty much the perfect 24"er. No problems at all but HDCP isnt integrated and I can really only find it used. I found one used with only 9 months used on its warranty out of the 36 which isnt bad. But HDCP with a full warranty from Dell..with problems...comes the 2407. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And any other suggestions for a better monitor would be good too.
I hated the 2405. I sold it at a loss. Overly bright screen even at zero brightness. Terrible viewing angles. Input lag. Fair amount of smearing. I wouldn't consider this screen.

The 2407 has a better updated S-PVA panel. Seems like it has better viewing angles, but I haven't seen one in person. Banding very minor now in the A02s shipping now. I would consider this before 2405.

Apple 23" uses S-IPS screens. Very good overall screen type. Good viewing angles. Saw them in person. Really like them.

My first choice would be any 23" S-IPS screen. Apple ACD or others, Sony 234 would probably top my list:

I might consider the 2407, but I would need the opportunity to see one first hand to see how much they improved. Under no circumstance would I consider the 2405.
Why are the S-IPS screens better? And my friend has the 2405...he says its an awesome monitor. Colors are great...everything is.
DangerIsGo said:
Why are the S-IPS screens better? And my friend has the 2405...he says its an awesome monitor. Colors are great...everything is.

People tend to love what they buy. I know several other people who think this is one of the worse LCD's out that year. I am not the only one to ditch this display for reasons already stated. I bought it and sold it 2 weeks later at a loss. Obviously I disliked it a lot.

Terrible viewing angles. Worse I have seen. S-IPS fixes this.
Input lag: Worse I have seen.
Over brightness: Worse I have seen.

And a few other problems. Again none of this may matter for you but if you ask for opinions this is what you get.

If given the 2405 for free, I wouldn't use it. I would sell it and buy a better quality screen, even if I had to use a smaller screen.

If you have a friend with this screen. Why ask us. Go use his and if you are happy get one. Lots of people like this screen, but IMO they are not very critical, because I have owned 3 LCD's and examined over a dozen. This was by far the worse overall LCD I have encountered.
I had a 2405, and I currently have a 20" S-IPS panel Monitor

the S-IPS is to me far better to use, alot less "ghosting"? less banding, , the problem is with the 2405 that screen type i think sucks for such a big monitor, apart from the good contrast and good brightness it seemed to me more like a TN type screen(the cheap sub $200 19" you can get )
Snowdog said:
I hated the 2405. I sold it at a loss. Overly bright screen even at zero brightness. Terrible viewing angles. Input lag. Fair amount of smearing. I wouldn't consider this screen.

The 2407 has a better updated S-PVA panel. Seems like it has better viewing angles, but I haven't seen one in person. Banding very minor now in the A02s shipping now. I would consider this before 2405.

Apple 23" uses S-IPS screens. Very good overall screen type. Good viewing angles. Saw them in person. Really like them.

My first choice would be any 23" S-IPS screen. Apple ACD or others, Sony 234 would probably top my list:

I might consider the 2407, but I would need the opportunity to see one first hand to see how much they improved. Under no circumstance would I consider the 2405.
QFT. I had the 2405 and hated it too.
I have used the 2405. I haven't used the 2407. So my comments are only based on my research and filtering everything I have read.

1: Viewing angles on the new panel are better. Not as good as IPS, but better.
2: Smearing seems improved.
3: Possibly input lag is somewhat better, but still not great.

But I think for me I would still encounter issues with this panel. The excess brightness might still be a factor. I don't know I would have to try one, something I wouldn't risk when I could get an IPS panel that I would feel more confident about.
Would you be able to give a few 23/24" monitors besides the apple and that sony that have an IPS panel?
Snowdog said:
I have used the 2405. I haven't used the 2407. So my comments are only based on my research and filtering everything I have read.

1: Viewing angles on the new panel are better. Not as good as IPS, but better.
2: Smearing seems improved.
3: Possibly input lag is somewhat better, but still not great.

But I think for me I would still encounter issues with this panel. The excess brightness might still be a factor. I don't know I would have to try one, something I wouldn't risk when I could get an IPS panel that I would feel more confident about.

Input lag is gone on the 2407. There is no difference compared to a CRT at 60Hz from the photos I've seen.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Input lag is gone on the 2407. There is no difference compared to a CRT at 60Hz from the photos I've seen.

id like to see these photos, with a crt and this lcd both running timers.

OP: get the Apple.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Input lag is gone on the 2407. There is no difference compared to a CRT at 60Hz from the photos I've seen.

I thought the pics revealed the difference between the 2407 and 2405 to be around 30ms. And if the 2407 responds as favorably as the 2405 (with forced refresh rates), then maybe this is true?
Tutelary said:
id like to see these photos, with a crt and this lcd both running timers.

OP: get the Apple.

Does the Apple 23" offer fixed aspect ratio/scaling? Does it offer the same options found on Dell LCDs?
Tutelary said:
id like to see these photos, with a crt and this lcd both running timers.

OP: get the Apple.

They were posted here...although I can't seem to find them. I'll keep looking for a few minutes but I have to catch the daily show so I can't look for too long.

Okay...looking around I found a review showing input lag on the 2407 against a CRT, but I am 100% positive pictures were posted before showing the 2407 to have no input lag when copmared with the crt at 60hz(obviously there was at higher refresh rates).
They claim a refresh rate of 60Hz, but then that would imply that the 2405 was 30ms farther behind as shown by this shot...
This would mean that the average input lag of the 2405 was around 50-60ms. Problem is...everyone seems to agree (atleast I think they do) that it's around 30ms, which would mean that the 2407 has none.

So in conclusion...this topic gets a giant WTF from me.
Mav451 said:
Does the Apple 23" offer fixed aspect ratio/scaling? Does it offer the same options found on Dell LCDs?

1) No

2)By options I'm assuming you mean extra inputs, No.

That being said, Dell makes absolute shit. If you want banding, substandard build quality, and backlight bleeding, go for dell, I'm sure youll be very happy. You'll also get a pixel pitch of .270 instead of Apples .258 as well.

The difference is as simple as a beautiful, fully enclosed aesthetically pleasing all aluminum enclosure, versus cheap looking crap.
WHOAguitarninja said:
They were posted here...although I can't seem to find them. I'll keep looking for a few minutes but I have to catch the daily show so I can't look for too long.

Okay...looking around I found a review showing input lag on the 2407 against a CRT, but I am 100% positive pictures were posted before showing the 2407 to have no input lag when copmared with the crt at 60hz(obviously there was at higher refresh rates).
They claim a refresh rate of 60Hz, but then that would imply that the 2405 was 30ms farther behind as shown by this shot...
This would mean that the average input lag of the 2405 was around 50-60ms. Problem is...everyone seems to agree (atleast I think they do) that it's around 30ms, which would mean that the 2407 has none.

So in conclusion...this topic gets a giant WTF from me.

Input lag is a fact of lcd life.
Some people are just way to damn picky on this subject....Dells are great ....great displays great warranty and service 3 year replacement guaranteed and with new model if it goes out at a later time when the 2407 isnt available.....Ive had mine for about a week and love the living hell out of it. This whole banding issue and other crap hass just gotten way out of hand......i know its just one publishers opinion by have you picked uup last months copy of Maximum PC....Dell 2407 Display of the year that goes with there dream machine of the year....it gets the total kick ass award and what was last years...A Dell....come on they cant be that bad huh!!!!!

The Apple is suppost to be supreme when it comes to a display......look inot that and compare option, warranty, inputs (if your looking for that), and overall what fits you best.

If it was me i would spend boocoo bucks on the best wich i would have to say out of the ones you are interested in would be the apple....but if you dont want to spend that frigin much (and thats just way to much much in my opinion for the options it has) the by all means go with the 2407....so many people are trying to bash the hell out of this Dell display but go to the sticky that has peoples set-ups..........TONS of Dells and not many other brands.....that should tell you its a pretty damn good display.....and in my opinion it really is!!!!
THanks for the input. Please keep it coming. I just read someone elses thread. What about the Acer 2423WDR or the HP 24"er (i forgot the model #)? How are they?
I have the 2405 and couldn't be happier. I'm not sure what everyone is talking about when they refer to smearing and input lag...

As for the Apple 23", I read as many reviews I could find comparing the Apple to the Dell, and the general consensus was that the Dell was better overall, but the Apple was better for DVDs and colour reproduction. Since I don't primarily need a monitor just for that (not a graphic designer) the Dell works just fine. The extra inputs were awesome for XBOX/PS2 and Gamecube hookups. Even while watching xvids or dvds, I can't really complain. 1080p content looks fantastic on it, and having the option of combining an LCD TV and a computer monitor with lots of desktop real estate is, to me, amazing bang for the buck. The 2407 has HDCP, which seems to be the wave of the future however, so it might be a better option, especially since the banding issues have been fixed.

The Apple certainly is prettier, and if you have the extra cash to throw away for sure go for it! Aluminum displays make me drool...but their price makes them more than a little insane, a designer monitor if you will. So if you wear expensive clothing and have to have the 'in' things in life, Apple ftw. If you prefer multipurpose and best value equipment, get the Dell.
The Apple has no component/svideo/composite inputs. Not an issue if you only care about just one PC, but they're nice to have.
falconman515 said:
but go to the sticky that has peoples set-ups..........TONS of Dells and not many other brands.....that should tell you its a pretty damn good display.....and in my opinion it really is!!!!

People on this same forum drool over westinghouse as well though, and thats the bottom of the barrel there, bar none.
My one and only complaint about the 2405 is the viewing angle. I wish it was a tad bit bigger than what it is. I can see a gradient of grey to black when viewing all black pages such as this forum and a few others. It is semi-annoying but not entirely. I think I've gotten passed that but if you are VERY sensitive to things like backlight bleeding and the like, you may get annoyed very easily from it.
Tutelary said:
People on this same forum drool over westinghouse as well though, and thats the bottom of the barrel there, bar none.

Tutelary - you forget that price drives everything. Money doesn't grow on trees, and until this month's price drop for ACD's...well, they were notoriously overpriced. Even now, with the student discount they are still bloody expensive. The lack of scaling only makes it further undesirable, I'm afraid.
Mav451 said:
Tutelary - you forget that price drives everything. Money doesn't grow on trees, and until this month's price drop for ACD's...well, they were notoriously overpriced. Even now, with the student discount they are still bloody expensive. The lack of scaling only makes it further undesirable, I'm afraid.

If we are going to start dipping into the old sayings bin I'm just going to pull out "you get what you pay for" :p
Its more worthwhile to me personally to save for the little bit of extra time for the apple. I understand not everyone is the same, but hey, the forum is for opinions, and no one person's opinion is absolute truth, or the rest of us wouldnt bother to post.
Tutelary said:
Its more worthwhile to me personally to save for the little bit of extra time for the apple. I understand not everyone is the same, but hey, the forum is for opinions, and no one person's opinion is absolute truth, or the rest of us wouldnt bother to post.

QFT. Amen.
i have a 2405 and every single person that has seen it has loved it, sure the brigthness sucks but i just adjust that from my video card, the rest is great, my friend has the 2407 and i cant see 2 much difference from mine, but we dont play any games at all so it might be different there.