2405 860/899$ deals with tax?


Jan 11, 2005
from what i understand it is thru the business section of dell that these reps work in, so does all the deals come with tax? does anyone know if it taxes people in nyc? sorry for making another 2405 thread
Yes, i'm in nyc, i had to re-order, my order went through today, yes it came with tax, mine was the 899, went up to 960 or so. and set for march 17, your welcome
Genefy said:
Well the extra price, is for the 'supposedly" thrown in upc....

there is no supposedly about it. its the real deal.

I also got in on this same deal and while they dont currently have any 2405FPs in stock, my 500VS UPS has already been shipped overnite. my rep said that they will get their second batch of 2405FPs by early next week.
The reason i said supposedly, is because when my email came in, the price i got for the monitor was 923, and the upc was charged for an extra whatever the price it is... And so the supposedly free upc did come at a price.... Which means it's not really free is it.. Hmmm, 923, plus more money = hmmmm more money???

good deal overall, but there's def a supposedly for the 960..
There are many REPs selling the monitor for $860+tax(in according to what your state tax is).

This one guy say he got it for $899 shipped and claim thats after tax and the base price is $840.25
But he also say its from this guy Gabe and from the "awesome thread", the $899 is not including taxes so I'm a little confuse here.

There is another thread that this one REP will sell it for $850+tax so that might be the lowest right now.
he probably offered to walk away and gave him a 20$ discount, 923-20 is about tht so i guess you just gotta haggle, i figure since im gettin a deal anyway 20$ is not much.....i actually forsee in the future that the prices will be 900 even with a 25% in dell home, not counting stackables and such and thats with no tax....but you can try to make everyday savings in your normal life to offset that...i blow money all the time, little by little it adds up

*edit* it was offered to me for 899 by "gabe" and i think so was the other guy on this thread, but i passed for some rep named "tim" there are wipro.com reps that do 850, but i'd rather take my chances from a rep with an official dell email
bench261 said:
he probably offered to walk away and gave him a 20$ discount, 923-20 is about tht so i guess you just gotta haggle, i figure since im gettin a deal anyway 20$ is not much.....i actually forsee in the future that the prices will be 900 even with a 25% in dell home, not counting stackables and such and thats with no tax....but you can try to make everyday savings in your normal life to offset that...i blow money all the time, little by little it adds up

*edit* it was offered to me for 899 by "gabe" and i think so was the other guy on this thread, but i passed for some rep named "tim" there are wipro.com reps that do 850, but i'd rather take my chances from a rep with an official dell email

I don't understand any fear people have with a different email addy.
Its been confirmed by many people that its legit.
Infact, I already ordered one from a wipro email and my order have shown up on Dells.
Beside, you have 100% protection when using your CC anyway.
ctrain said:
I don't understand any fear people have with a different email addy.
Its been confirmed by many people that its legit.
Infact, I already ordered one from a wipro email and my order have shown up on Dells.
Beside, you have 100% protection when using your CC anyway.

ummm i guess to fight outsourcing

not to mention peace of mind, plus time wasted gettin a new card if it wasnt legit and the fact that these guys r replying back monday. i found out about the wipro when barely anyone used it..here anyway, i wasn't gunna play guinea pig
I guess so far mine is the lowest :D

Product Sub Total : $860.00
Total Order Amount: $898.70