24" or Cheaper 26" Panel for Gaming


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I'm trying to upgrade my current monitor (cheap 19" 5ms 4x3 Viewsonic from 2005) to something in the neighborhood of 24-26" (primarily looking for 1920x1200, and that seems to be the size where monitors offer that resolution without really destroying the wallet).

I've read through reviews and the forums here, and done so much digging around that I've gone and confused myself into a standstill.

From what I've read, it sounds like the Samsung 245bw is a good safe bet, but its not readily available any more (I refuse to buy a monitor off of e-bay or "used" ...and I have no experience with factory refurb monitors - any good?), and its a little pricey still, despite being 2 years old.

I'm trying to keep my purchase in the lower end of the 400's (USD), and my options seem to be fairly wide-open in that price range.

Brand names mean nothing to me, I'm just looking for something that will offer good performance, and last for a while. I'm not snobby, so the monitor doesn't need to spin around, have height adjustment, be wall mountable, etc. The stand just needs to hold the weight of the monitor, and not be too shaky.

The monitor will be used primarily for gaming (computer, not console) and home computing (internet browsing, digital picture editing, watching occassional movies, etc).

I don't need a lot of inputs and I don't plan on using the monitor as an HDTV.

I'm trying to figure out if the Samsung 245's replacements (2433, 2443, 2493... or the T240) are any better, or if they're a step backward (as some reviews suggest).

I also saw the new ASUS vw246h and vw266h, the 246 is probably out, since its 1920x1080, but the 266 is a fairly cheap 26" monitor. I've love ASUS electronics in the past, but they're not really well-known for their monitors, and these two are new enough that they have extremely limited reviews (the 266 has all positive reviews on newegg).

So, if you've managed to read through all of my ramblings, I appreciate it. I'll sum up what I'm asking you experts. I'm looking for advice on:

<450 USD
5ms or less g2g
TN is fine
Stand can be bare-bones, as long as it's stable
Minimal inputs are fine
I prefer slim bezel (computer cabinet is only so big)

I appreciate the help in stopping the room from spinning on me. Thanks
NCIX (US) has the T240 marked all the way down to $260 (USD), that seems like a hell of a deal (it ends today)... is it?

They also have the T260 for $409 which is the same as at Newegg (Newegg uses a mail-in-rebate to get it down to 409).

I haven't seen much about the T240/T260... are they worth it, or just artistic frames for the same old panel?
If the choice comes down between the T240 or the 2443BW-HAS... anyone have any insight? On paper they appear to be the same monitor.
meh, looks like my previous post got eaten by the maintenence man :p

$260 seems like a pretty good deal if it's not a mistake...take another $30 off with the rebate> http://www.provantage.com/0309samd099.pdf I know it say provantage, but Amazon has the same form and I don't see NCIX as one of the exceptions.
The 2443bw is also marked down considerably (to $276), that's where my debate is coming from. Comparable price, same panel (from what I can find), better stand on the 2443, more inputs on the T240.

Decisions decisions decisions...
Promo code ends tomorrow. Monitor showed up today. Great picture, no backlight bleed, no dead pixels, almost too big for my desk! Very satisfied.

See above post for link