24 inch screen that can be a computer monitor and HDTV


Feb 13, 2002
hey guys

im not really familiar with the LCDs that are on the market.

I know that the DELL 24inch is cheap and pretty sweet. The only problem is that when you use component video cables to hook up the HDTV 1080i signal there is tearing and other such problems.

are there any comparable screens in a comparable price range that offers better HDTV support?

basically the idea is that i want to use my computer monitor as both a computer monitor and for it to double as a HDTV screen that i can hook up my HDTV box from comcast up to as well.

since once you go HDTV you cannot go back :D
I have a 2405 hooked up to HDTV and I have no signal issues. I know that there were some issues with them, but dell has a great return policy so they will get it worked out for you.

I love the monitor, I dont need anything so big, the only reason I keep it is so I can watch PIP HD :)

Its the best
No tearing here, using component inputs on the 2405. Things look great 90% of the time. The other 10% is mostly badly transmitted SD signals, or poor film-->HD xfers..

I bought this monitor for the same reasons that interest you, and I'm happy with it. Will technology be bigger and better for things like this a couple years? You bet. But this is a nice, relatively inexpensive bedroom solution in the meantime.

hey thanks for the quick response guys!

so the 24 has no major problems? DOAH my wallet is already feeling the pain.