24 Geeky Wisconsin Protest Signs

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Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Politics aside, not only have the hardcore protesters shown up at the state capital, it has also attracted the usual fringe element of geeks and nerds wishing to express their opinions in their usual warped ways. Some of these guys have come up with some really great outlets for getting their messages across. :D
Geesh, where did they find all that time off to be so creative and display their work like that? If I did that at my job I would be fired and then they would have to raise taxes on everyone else to pay for their union salaries. After all, their jobs are a right. :rolleyes:
I love how they bastardized the meanings behind whats going on to make those signs kinda work. And Taldren has an amazing point.
I don't see why so many people think those memes are funny. When I become the next Emperor of the US, I'll have anyone advocating 4chans idiocy irradicated by means of public execution.
Geesh, where did they find all that time off to be so creative and display their work like that? If I did that at my job I would be fired and then they would have to raise taxes on everyone else to pay for their union salaries. After all, their jobs are a right. :rolleyes:

Call the police, someone stole Taldren's sense of humor.
I wasn't expecting much, but some of those were pretty funny.

Not a big fan of unions, but this when they agree to all your terms in takes some pretty big balls to then tell them, that they also need to give up their future bargaining power. This may be the only time in my lifetime, where the unions were being the reasonable ones.
  1. Watch "Waiting for Superman"
  2. Abolish the Unions.
Destroying American education for the sake of job security isn't right. I have no sympathy.
Unions can still bargain for wages, they would not be able to bargain for benefits. Wages you pay and are done with. Benefits you pay in the form of future tax liabilities. Politicians can give away future benefits for free union votes, and because they do not impact taxes today there is no negatives until they are out of office. As stated the unions had agreed to the percentage increases, they just do not want to give up the ability to negotiate benefits. If you look at all the deficits in America a lot of them are due to liabilities caused by benefits.
I want to laugh at some of those signs, but knowing what a group of retarded hypocrites those people are, and how they've destroyed the education system, I just can't find any humor in it.
yes its the teachers who have ruined the education system, those assholes and there $40,000 / year salaries. What were those selfish assholes thinking?:rolleyes:
I'm all for the protests, but I'm wondering how many of these people actually voted? Probably not very many.
I'm all for the protests, but I'm wondering how many of these people actually voted? Probably not very many.

bigger question for all the college kids is how many of them actually work, raise a family and pay taxes...
Not to take this politically off course, but this isn't just about the teachers union. Its about the state employee unions; police, fire, corrections, education, etc. All of the unions have agreed to the measures needed to balance the budget, none have agreed to give up their collective bargaining rights.

Scott Walker is a tool for big business and his goal is to eliminate unions and the democratic candidates that they support. This isn't about balancing the budget, its a power play that he thought would sweep across the country and secure his political future. In all of his speeches on how deplorable the democrats are for fleeing the state he conveniently leaves out that he created the current budget deficit with his big business tax cuts and that there are a whole bunch of things in the bill that have nothing to do with the budget.

I don't personally feel strongly either way for unions in general, but the teachers who make considerably less then private sector employee counterparts when comparing education and experience are probably not the ones to attack. Why not attack the babysitting prison guards who make $50,000 a year for watching non violent drug offenders and other incarcerated individuals who are not a threat to themselves or others? Wisconsin spends more money on corrections then it spends on education. Perhaps the priorities of the state are a bit out of whack and the jobs being threatened are the wrong ones. Won't somebody please think of the children.
I'm all for the protests, but I'm wondering how many of these people actually voted? Probably not very many.
Walker and all of the republicans who support him never brought up removing collective bargaining during any of their campaign speeches. Hence why the process of recalling the state politicians who support the bill is currently occurring.
Not to take this politically off course, but this isn't just about the teachers union. Its about the state employee unions; police, fire, corrections, education, etc. All of the unions have agreed to the measures needed to balance the budget, none have agreed to give up their collective bargaining rights.

Scott Walker is a tool for big business and his goal is to eliminate unions and the democratic candidates that they support. This isn't about balancing the budget, its a power play that he thought would sweep across the country and secure his political future. In all of his speeches on how deplorable the democrats are for fleeing the state he conveniently leaves out that he created the current budget deficit with his big business tax cuts and that there are a whole bunch of things in the bill that have nothing to do with the budget.

I don't personally feel strongly either way for unions in general, but the teachers who make considerably less then private sector employee counterparts when comparing education and experience are probably not the ones to attack. Why not attack the babysitting prison guards who make $50,000 a year for watching non violent drug offenders and other incarcerated individuals who are not a threat to themselves or others? Wisconsin spends more money on corrections then it spends on education. Perhaps the priorities of the state are a bit out of whack and the jobs being threatened are the wrong ones. Won't somebody please think of the children.
They should get rid of teachers all together, Amateur Moms at home do a better job,. Tests prove it.
They should get rid of teachers all together, Amateur Moms at home do a better job,. Tests prove it.

Yeah.. cuz so many mom's can just stay at home and teach their kids these days....

On top of that, there's evidence and studies (see? I can generalize too) that shows homeschooled kids do poorer in college because of social issues and over or under focused subject study.
They should get rid of teachers all together, Amateur Moms at home do a better job,. Tests prove it.

If you hire a teacher to sit down with your kids for 8 hours days (let's assume no more than 2 kids in your house), then your kid will be better educated. Of course that type of teaching is very expensive....unless, of course, the mom's has no skills to work, in which case I question her ability to teach.
If you hire a teacher to sit down with your kids for 8 hours days (let's assume no more than 2 kids in your house), then your kid will be better educated. Of course that type of teaching is very expensive....unless, of course, the mom's has no skills to work, in which case I question her ability to teach.

That poster also isn't considering that we have taken more and more money out of education over the years. The average is 30-40 kids in a classroom PER teacher, how much can you expect?

If we prioritized education more and got the margin down to 10-20 kids per teacher, results would be much better.

The suggestion that a "mom stay home and teach her kids" stinks of racist privilege at its very core. That said, racist privilege is at the core of most conservative ideas about things.
Not to take this politically off course, but this isn't just about the teachers union. Its about the state employee unions; police, fire, corrections, education, etc. All of the unions have agreed to the measures needed to balance the budget, none have agreed to give up their collective bargaining rights.

Scott Walker is a tool for big business and his goal is to eliminate unions and the democratic candidates that they support. This isn't about balancing the budget, its a power play that he thought would sweep across the country and secure his political future. In all of his speeches on how deplorable the democrats are for fleeing the state he conveniently leaves out that he created the current budget deficit with his big business tax cuts and that there are a whole bunch of things in the bill that have nothing to do with the budget.

I don't personally feel strongly either way for unions in general, but the teachers who make considerably less then private sector employee counterparts when comparing education and experience are probably not the ones to attack. Why not attack the babysitting prison guards who make $50,000 a year for watching non violent drug offenders and other incarcerated individuals who are not a threat to themselves or others? Wisconsin spends more money on corrections then it spends on education. Perhaps the priorities of the state are a bit out of whack and the jobs being threatened are the wrong ones. Won't somebody please think of the children.

I do think of the children.....being safe because those "babysitting" prison officers are watching the murderers, rapists, and other violent offenders right in the next unit of those non-violent offenders.
I'll give you a another clue too......the vast majority of home invasions, thefts, assaults and other crimes are the direct result of drug offenders who are trying to feed their habit, protect their territory, or crimes committed under the influence. So much for "non violent and not a threat to themselves or others".
Corrections officers are not overpaid, just under-appreciated. They have to deal with the people nobody else wants to on a daily basis.
It must be very depressing in your corner of the world...

why is that? Becuase i don't try to make every minor thing in life relate to a sci-fi movie? I'm sorry that i'm not some 30+ year old living in my parents basement jerking off to some sci-fi movie.
I was surprised and disappointed not to see a spin on Walker Texas Ranger/Chuck Norris...
That poster also isn't considering that we have taken more and more money out of education over the years. The average is 30-40 kids in a classroom PER teacher, how much can you expect?

If we prioritized education more and got the margin down to 10-20 kids per teacher, results would be much better.

The suggestion that a "mom stay home and teach her kids" stinks of racist privilege at its very core. That said, racist privilege is at the core of most conservative ideas about things.

For us to get levels down to 10 - 20 kids the cost of public schooling would have to sky rocket and at that point you might as well be sending your kids to private as it would cost just as much.

Nationwide only 30% of 8th grader read at a proficient level. if we look at the numbers released for Wincosin here recently and assume those to be about average.

2% - advanced
32% - proficient
66% - below proficient (broken up as 44% - basic, 22% below basic)

that means 2/3 of the kids can't read at level.

for math 25% are proficient.

Yes in some cases the problem is too many kids in a class, but in others it is just bad teachers. I also blame the no child left behind. When i was in grade school they split us up for reading and math, advanced kids in one class, normal kids in another, below normal in another. now adays you can't do that. You have to teach at the level and speed of the dumbest kid in the class. So instead of having a few kids that are not learning correctly you have an entire class. It is also up to the parents to some extent but not all will put the time or effort in. My old administrative assistant used to bitch and moan about how her son couldn't ever pass math and would call the school and complain to the teachers for them not teaching her son. But there is only so much a teacher can do. it is up to you as a parent to help your child if they are doing bad in school and need help. Either you sit down with them and help them, you find them a tutor, you enroll them in a learning center or you enroll them into a school for kids with learning problems.
People put too much emphasis on class size. Back maybe forty years ago, we had bigger classes and students performed better.

Then you look at other countries such as China and India where there are far more students per classroom and yet doing much better than us in science and math. Why is that? I doubt they have better paid teachers or facilities.

It's the culture. More money/Smaller classes isn't going to help if the parents isn't going to help and the student isn't willing to learn.
yes its the teachers who have ruined the education system, those assholes and there $40,000 / year salaries. What were those selfish assholes thinking?:rolleyes:

Actually the average teacher salary in Madison,WI is $55,000, plus $45,000 in benefits.
The $45,000 in benefits is because they pay almost nothing for medical and retirement.
If you hire a teacher to sit down with your kids for 8 hours days (let's assume no more than 2 kids in your house), then your kid will be better educated. Of course that type of teaching is very expensive....unless, of course, the mom's has no skills to work, in which case I question her ability to teach.

Actually there are plently of on-line programs available that any educated parent can work with.
The local school distict even offers a home school program for free, if you don;t mind the public school coursework. They even provide a computer and pay the internet access cost.

Add in a few group classes, field trips, etc. through local home-school groups and you can have a well educated kid without all garbage in the public schools.
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