$220 to spend on a video card


Jun 18, 2006
Well the X800XL is in its death throes (bad artifacting due to memory) so I am upgrading. I am looking at the BFG 7900GS OC right now. Any other ideas/alternatives in that price range right now?

Please give links if at all possible :)

I've had ATI for a while, but want something well priced with SM3 support that will give an improvement in speed, I don't expect anything that great. I also wanna see how the grass looks on Nvidias side of the fence as I am sick of shitty drivers ;)
Kick in an extra $20 and get the $240 Sapphire X1900XT 256MB that's on Newegg.
Yeah the X1900XT 256mb is definitely the way to go, or a 7900GT and voltmod the crap out of it, should be fast as hell too.

Anyways, I also have a similar question but my budget is a tad higher... $430 ... what do yall think?
what's the difference between the crossfire and non crossfire, besides being able to crossfire them.. which I dont plan to do anytime soon lol.
Hey Adam, how does one get the title "i loved stuffed cock in my ass"?
X1900XT 256mb is faster than anything under $300 and it's only $230. ATI really dropped a bombshell with this card get it while it hot.
it's actually $249 + shipping and applicable tax with a $15 mail in rebate on top of that :) pretty nice deal.
Im in the same boat as you. I just getting rid of my 6800GTs and with $220 to spend on a new card and Im going with the Saphire X1900XT 256MB for only $240 at newegg :) Although I might spend an extra $30 and get the Asus version thats HDCP enabled.
Well just pulled the trigger on a Sapphire X1900XT 512mb card for $325 shipped after shipping and tax. California + tax = SUCKS. But O well, it was only $20 ... :(
darktiger said:
Prob messing with Kyle...

We have a winner.

As far as the video card thing, I am just ready to get away from ATI (too many damn problems with drivers and such) Plus I want the ability to go SLI, and tweaktown has said the 7900GS is an awesome overclocker. I dunno, and $250 (checked price at the egg) is out of my budget and I can't wait any longer else I might not have a computer period till I get a new card.
aZn_plyR said:
Well just pulled the trigger on a Sapphire X1900XT 512mb card for $325 shipped after shipping and tax. California + tax = SUCKS. But O well, it was only $20 ... :(

New Jersey + tax = also sucks

But I pulled the trigger on the x1900xt 256mb for $239 and ended up actually paying $262 with shipping+tax... tax really sucks, should have been $245...
If your looking for a single card solution with no intrest of pairing down the road. Get the 1900XT at it is slightly better than the 7900GT. Not by a huge margain as some will make you believe. Has an overall Image Quailty advantage & the ability to do AA + HDR simutainlously. The 7900GT is the clear choice if you want to pair cards down the road. SLI kicks crossfire in the nuts hard.

dont get the 256mb version of the x1900XT at newegg.com ...

Chiefvalue is the same thing as newegg, ships from same warehouse, and they have it for $239 NO MIR.
Thanks for the replies all, I ended up ordering the EVGA 7900GS KO, looks like it might OC pretty good, and I'm just really sick of ATI and the problems I've had. Haven't owned a Nvidia card since the GF3 days, so we shall see.