2007/2407: February 24


Do I order 2 2405FPW's with the 25% rebatte thats active currently (Sweden) that ends on 2006-02-22.. or do I wait for the (possibly inferior) 2407FPW's on the 24th, probably with no rebatte...?

Whine :(
I hate making decisions like that. No matter what you do it turns out wrong.

Do I order 2 2405FPW's with the 25% rebatte thats active currently (Sweden) that ends on 2006-02-22.. or do I wait for the (possibly inferior) 2407FPW's on the 24th, probably with no rebatte...?

I hate making decisions like that. No matter what you do it turns out wrong.

Order the 2405s and try them out. If they don't suite your needs, just get a refund (within 30 days I think) and buy the 2407s. ;)
Crazy Swede said:
Do I order 2 2405FPW's with the 25% rebatte thats active currently (Sweden) that ends on 2006-02-22.. or do I wait for the (possibly inferior) 2407FPW's on the 24th, probably with no rebate...?
You could always wait a few weeks... I bet that once the 2407s start coming out the 2405s will drop in price and you can always pick up that new member 10% off or wait for another sale.
Just want to make sure...

When Dell releases a new line of products - Do they stop selling the old one completely and trash their stock, or do they still offer them for sale?
Pity it doesnt mention any other features besides low response times....
yes!! so soon, not that im gona get mine till may anyways.. but yeah we need more info on it hopefully there is still all those connections, with better specifications.
i just hope they dont change it design wise...cos i do plan on getting a 2nd 2405/2407...and if the panel was a slightly different shade or the stand was different...i KNOW it would irritate men :p
It's almost a gaurantee now that the design will be like the 3007 style, as the picture for the 1907 on that page shows it becoming. I welcome this change, it is a superior design.
I think Dell will cut the price and the amount of inputs on the 2407. I think it will be thinner with higher specs. If I'm not mistaken I think most people do not make use of the other inputs especially because the electronics/scaler for the component video are quite poor in comparison to a regular LCD TV.

Just my two cents...
As i posted in another thread...

What im curious about is that the memory stick slots on my 2405 is acting up...

If i wait till the 2407's are out, and RMA it....what are the odd's ill get a 2407 instead of another 2405 ?
hopefully it'll have component input. i'd hate to get a video scaler of all analog inputs to HDMI only like the 3007. i hope they stick with 8-bit. 6-bit would suck.
JediFonger said:
hopefully it'll have component input. i'd hate to get a video scaler of all analog inputs to HDMI only like the 3007. i hope they stick with 8-bit. 6-bit would suck.
Apparently only Europe gets the 6-bit displays while NA gets the 8-bit ones. I hope that rumour is right. ;)

I also have my fingers crossed for component input.
so are they moving to the Samsung 1680x 1050 panel at .270 pixel pitch. As long as it's 8 bit that wouldbe a great move shoulb be 1 inch larger than current 2005FPW's. Hmmm need more info fast don't we. If they are then we should see a Samsung version of the 1680x1050 shortly.
any word on pricing for the 2007?

All i can say is they better have fixed the backlight issue :mad:
Rishy said:
As i posted in another thread...

What im curious about is that the memory stick slots on my 2405 is acting up...

If i wait till the 2407's are out, and RMA it....what are the odd's ill get a 2407 instead of another 2405 ?

Slim. The 2405 stock will not just magically vanish.
meh...in that case...dad wants one as well...maybe ill just sell him mine and get a new 2407 if its worth it... :D
Punisher77 said:
Apparently only Europe gets the 6-bit displays while NA gets the 8-bit ones. I hope that rumour is right. ;)

I also have my fingers crossed for component input.
i hope your lying :)
we already pay too much for everything else. no doubt we'l get fed a lower specd monitor for the higher price. i hope your joking :)
FirePhoenixctk said:
i hope your lying :)
we already pay too much for everything else. no doubt we'l get fed a lower specd monitor for the higher price. i hope your joking :)
From the link at the top of the thread:
Dell has been a large proponent of 8-bit Super IPS LCD panels in the past, but the move to 6-bit panels for the 1707FP and the 1907FP is not completely unusual. Typically, Dell will use different components for different regions -- so the UltraSharp 1907FP in Europe may be completely different than the UltraSharp 1907FP in the US.
wth... that sucks major ass!!!
as if we dont pay more for everything we have to pay for lesser products at a higher price. fcking c*ck b*llox. Sure i may not need the 8 bit but still this sh*t shouldnt happen. Not with such a "big" company as dell
Man, we need info quick. In a week I'm suppose to be getting the gateway 21 incher. I hope they announce soon so I can pick....otherwise..it'll be the gateway
i think you can return it in 21 days, but i am not sure. any word on the new lcds?
I have a feeling the release date was pushed back or the article was false (since this is the only online source quoting the release date as the 24th). Has anyone called to confirm?
If Dell would have new monitors coming out, I think they would at least have pictures on their website like they did to the 3007. I'm pretty sure this information is misinformed.
So no info eh? Well im still gonna hold off getting a new screen til i see those new ones from Dell.