2005FPW vs 19" CRT sizewise


Sep 23, 2004
Are there any comparison pictures available anywhere that have the 2005FPW next to a standard 19" CRT? How much smaller is the 2005FPW vertically?
IIRC, the 2005fpw is 10.6 inches vertically. My old 19" CRT is 12 inches vertically. Just considering the vertical dimension the Dell is equivalent to a 17" LCD.
I'll let you know once the FedEx dude gets here with my 2005FPW :D

I have a 19" Dell Trinitron and a 15" Sony trinitron (both CRT) for size comparison.
I remember about a year ago, i saw many ads for LCD monitors "17" xxx, same viewable area as 19" CRT" or "19" xxx, same viewable area as 21" CRT". but it never made any sense to me cos most 19" CRT has 18" viewable area and 17" LCD has 17" viewable area.. ??
Arkanian said:
If you read that 2nd paragraph, you will see that they are talking about height and width and NOT viewable dimensions. The viewable dimensions for a 2005FPW at 4:3 is 16.3"

The display area is 17 inches wide and just less than 11 inches tall. I think you're wrong. BTW, I don't know what you mean by saying the 'dimensions' is 16.3. A dimension is more than just one number! Also the ~11 inch figure is quoted on various sources. I remember researching it....it ain't easy to find but it's out there. We'll find out soon enough.
Greenwit said:
The display area is 17 inches wide and just less than 11 inches tall. I think you're wrong. BTW, I don't know what you mean by saying the 'dimensions' is 16.3. A dimension is more than just one number! Also the ~11 inch figure is quoted on various sources. I remember researching it....it ain't easy to find but it's out there. We'll find out soon enough.
Ok I think we are talking about 2 different things. Yes it maybe 17 inches tall and 11" wide but the display area is calculated from top left to bottom right. If you were to view a 4:3 image on the 2005FPW, the display are would be equal to 16.3". I measured this myself. I don't know where you are coming up with 17" viewable area. Even your sources don't say 17" viewable area. Did you look at the link that I also posted that calculates this?
If you compare a 20" 16:9 to 20" 4:3, Here is the Viewable area:

4:3 (1.33:1) NTSC mode
* Your viewing area is 13.1 in(w) x 9.8 in(h)
* Total viewing area is 128.38 sq in.
* This is the equivalent of a 16.3 inch 4:3 TV

16:9 (1.78:1) native mode [18.4% larger]
* Your viewing area is 17.4 in(w) x 9.8 in(h)
* Total viewing area is 170.52 sq in.
* This utilizes the full display of the 16:9 TV
The original post asked how big the 2005fpw is VERTICALLY. Vertically the 2005fpw viewing area is between 10 to 11 inches. Period. That's all I was trying to point out. Horizontally it is 17 inches (yes my link says 17" long). Using using pythagoreans forumla a(2) + b(2) = c(2). Plug in 10.6 and 17 for values for a and b and solve for c and you get 20. Bingo bango.
Greenwit said:
The original post asked how big the 2005fpw is VERTICALLY. Vertically the 2005fpw viewing area is between 10 to 11 inches. Period. That's all I was trying to point out. Horizontally it is 17 inches (yes my link says 17" long). Using using pythagoreans forumla a(2) + b(2) = c(2). Plug in 10.6 and 17 for values for a and b and solve for c and you get 20. Bingo bango.
Ok I misread the original post but my assurtion about the viewable area is correct. Also, you are correct in the viewable dimensions. We were coming from 2 separate places. So both of us are correct.

ABC LINK said:
The display area is 17 inches wide and just less than 11 inches tall
I think I know what peace is trying to get at.....cause I had the same question myself when trying to decide between the two 20" Dells. Basically, how much vertical space do you lose going widescreen on a 20" diagonal monitor (as opposed to a traditional dimension monitor like the 2001fp).
You lose 150 pixels. (1680x1050 to 1600 x 1200). The square monitor looks "visibly" bigger, however, the widescreen takes up more of your peripheral vision, making the experience better IMO. It's like being at a movie theatre sitting near the middle of the auditorium, where your entire field of vision is entertained...
But here's the difference for me......at the movie theater your FOV *is* taking in the whole scene. But when you are looking at a computer monitor you are focused usually at one point....just as I am doing now as I type. I think widescreen is great for widescreen games (you are most definitely taking in the entire screen), but for other apps like web browsing, I'd say no. One other expception is if you need the widescreen, like Excel and lotsa columns or you like web browsing two web pages at once. That doesn't apply to me and It's why I went with slightly more real estate and the 2001fp.
If its too wide for web-browsing, why not just rotate it 90 degree's and have it 17" tall and 10.6" wide - it should be much easier to focus on the middle of the screen that way and less vertical scrolling. :D
Agreed! You've never seen [H]ard|Forum until you've seen it in portait mode :D