2005FPW "scanline/interlace" problems full screen video


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 18, 2005
Videocard: GeForce 4 Ti4200 128mb
Current drivers: 67.66 official beta

Now, I was aware of the issue in the past, where as soon as you full-screen a wide 16x9 movie to fill the whole screen, weird "lines" would appear in the lighter portions of the flick. They look almost like interlacing, and I'm sure you're all familiar with it - at least those of you who have it hooked up to DVI.

I recently had to roll back and re-install my display drivers, and I am now once again suffering from this problem.

I DID get rid of this problem before, by updating my NVidia drivers (i THINK it was to 67.66 but I can't remember). I tried installing the latest official betas from nzone.com (71.8?) and it did not correct the problem. I tried installing what I thought was the corrective driver-set (first 61.77 then 67.66), and the problem is still there. Does any one know how to correct this? Which drivers are the 'fix'?

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
1 way is geting new drivers, if that doesnt fix it, way2 is to disable overlay in WMP, that will get rid of it :D
Hmmm...I had this exact problem with my 6800GT/2005fpw and the newest beta drivers from nzone fixed it for me....maybe you should give them one more shot.
Updating to those new drivers is what brought it back for me :(
But I guess I'll try it again...
71.84 did nothing for me... what should I do?
And if I wanted to disable overlay, where do I go.
same thing happened to me with the official release of nvidias site. drivers that fixed it for me were the 67.66's, but in your case, try using driver cleaner if you haven't already.
Steve I could be wrong but I think your problem is your ancient outdated video card.
Your huge new monitor needs a new card that's powerful enough to rapidly-pump the 1,920,000 screen-pixels that a 20" LCD has.
You can download new Drivers till the cows come home, and your screen-pic ain't gonna get much better.
A Monitor is as good or bad, as the card that's driving it.
:D So give your fine new 20" LCD a new powerful Video card. It deserves it. :D
I drive my 23" HP-L2335 with a 256mb BFG 6800GT-OC.
It rapidly-pumps the HP's 2-Million+ screen pixels just fine, giving me beautiful pic and great gaming. Good luck :D
I'm driving the videocard with a P3-core 1.3Ghz, with AGP4x, so throwing in a 6800 is overkill. Waiting for the Intel 955 to come out before I shell out another $3000 for a badass PC. And, as you may not have guessed, it's more than just the GeForce 4 series that experience this issue. (Read back in the 2005 thread somewhere). It's not about what "pumps the pixels" because frankly, the only use for a better videocard is to play games. I can play movies fine on this monitor on a TNT2 or even a Rage Fury if I wanted to. My videocard is more than capable, and is not the cause of the problem.

67.66 solved it for me, too, originally. Then I tried updating to 71.84, it came back. Rolled back to 61.77, then 67.66 and it didn't go away :(

I guess I'll try driver cleaner and reinstalling the 67's. I'll let everyone know - thanks.
NVIDIA ForceWare Release 70 Unified Driver Available

Nvidia just released new official drivers on their site today, maybe try the official 71.84 before the beta version of the 71.84.


Version: 71.84
Release Date: March 11, 2005
WHQL Certified

U.S. English
File Size: 17.9 MB
Tried the official 71.84... same shit. Used drivercleaner pro with the "nvidia" setting, restarted, cancelled the windows install crap, and dowloaded 67.66 to try again.

(though strangely enough, it asked me to replace a bunch of files that were 'newer' when installing 67.66) and upon restart, i had to manually end the nwiz.dll task and the rundll32 task as they were both maxing the CPU at 100%. Something seemed fishy.

Anyway, now it seems that 67.66 didn't solve my problem either. what the hell am i going to do :(
Have you tried uninstalling the drivers in safemode, and then restarting and using drivercleaner in safemode, after restarting on more time into safemode finally instal the new drivers?
I've been into safe mode once amid all these driver re-installs... i'll try it again of course, but when I have time. I'll let you know how it goes. thanks