2005fpw.. Image just stop working..


Nov 25, 2005
I dont know whats happening but, I've had it since the very end of november, no problems. But, about 5 minutes ago, the image just went black, I thought my computer reset on me or something, but, it didn't come back. I reset my pc, image still black.

So I try pushing OSD menu button, that doesn't even show up, all that I see is that the backlight is on and no image at all.

So for now I unplugged everything and letting monitor just sit there. Using an different pc right now since I cant see anything to even lower resolution to something this monitor can see.

Ermm. What now?
Don't know about the monitor, but in my experience you can get a lower resolution on the computer that used the 2005 by booting to safe mode then just rebooting again to Windows. Worked for me, not sure why.
Hrmm. Okay I'm now using a totally disgusting 17" blurry CRT, oh god I hate it.

Its a long weekend here in New Zealand, so I suspect that dell will be sleeping untill Tuesday, things have to happen in the most awkward times dont they?

Reading through all their crap now to find out what I'm supposed to be doing, all I know is hopefully it'll end up in send it back, get a working one again.
Double posting is fun....

Anyway, it seems the only way is via phone? Online asks for some service tag, which, I cant find, and their website doesn't explain where to find, so I assume for buying monitors there is none.

Which means I have to remember to ring them and hope its open on monday, otherwise tuesday, because this monday is a public holiday.

The monitor worked fine and well for 69 days. Today, it turns on, the backlight does, but no image shows. Not on DVI, VGA, Svideo, Composite, even the OSD doesn't show up. This was an awesome monitor and I really enjoyed the experience of using it. Today feels like I've lost a loved one... Not quite so heavy as that.
I rang 0800-446-255 and they said they're closed, and that office hours are 9am till 5pm. Monday~Friday

But seeming monday is a public holiday I have a feeling I need to wait another day, I'll try on monday anyway tho.

Bad luck on my part huh.
Sorry to hear that. Sucks that it had to die on a Friday. Seems Dells like to do that. My notebooks motherboard died on a Friday night. The tech came Monday to replace it, leaving me disconnected for over 2 days. It was truly horrible.

I guess to pass the time you could spend hours and hours Googling "2005fpw no picture" etc. It's a way to pass the time.
Well that was fun,

I decided to ring at like 10am. Auto phone services ask me to have that friggen number thing handy that I cant find, (and cant find it saying anywhere online where to find on any monitors)

Anyway, I decided after stalling at this for abit to just keep going anyway.

Listened to a crackly, quiet, on-hold music for like, 10 minutes. With the occasional whiney sounding "Thank you for calling plx wait longer untill someone can answer your call" type message.

I practically fell asleep, this changed to a ring followed by
"*$2lhgfzlbfkk rz"
"er, uh... hmm. eh, pardon?"
"a 3i#dn, How may I help you?"
"Oh, my monitor broke"
"Please hold"

Back to music, slightly different song this time, and a less annoying voice with the same repeated message.

Conversation began about 20 minutes later.
It consisted of me having difficulties understanding what was being said half the time, very quiet, but the process was moving forward.

"Can I have your service tag number please"
"I..uh..er... uh.... *ahem* sorry, I'll just tell you whats happened so far.
I rang up, someone answered and asked 'how may I help you', I said I'm having problems with my monitor, and then I was put on hold again, and here I am"
"Right, is this with some [buggered if I know what system he said here] system?"
"Nope, I just bought a monitor on its own"
"Right, do you have a customer number"
"Not that I can find, on everything I've looked at the closest thing I've found is an online reference number"
"Customer number? On an invoice or something?"
"I've got an online order confirmation and thats about it"
"Yeh that'll do"
"It has that reference number, my personal details, what I've ordered and thats it"
"Oh, well, whats your name"
*I give him my name*
"Right, so #h3j13k1n3 vu3"
"#1h 13u1o5"
"Sorry I couldn't hear what you just said"
"You have in your possesion a ultrasharp 31"$* 20inch flat panel display?"
"Yeah thats the one"
"Right, so whats the problem"
"It broke"
"Could you explain what happened sir"
"The monitor was working perfectly well, I was very happy with it, but, this saturday afternoon, just after 4pm, the monitor went black, I thought my computer or something reset, but it soon became apparent that the image on the monitor just dissapeared, I push any of the menu buttons and nothing comes up"

"Where is the monitor now?"
"I put it back in its box, cant do much else with it right now, I assume I'll be sending it back so yeah"
"Can you take it out so we can do some tests"

*I get it back out, he asks for phone numbers in the interum*

"Right, its out, I got nothing plugged into it except for power."
"Right, turn it on and explain what happens"
"The power light comes up green. Number 2 comes up green, since dvi was the last selection I was using, but thats it, backlight comes up as you'd expect but no onscreen display or anything"

"Backlight, are you getting some wierd circular light or something"

"Huh? No its just black"
"What do you mean by backlight, is there any strange green glows from sides or center or ?"
"Oh, no, thats not the problem, thats perfectly fine. basically whats happenening is the equivalent of the monitor being on and looking at a complete black image, well, its not really an image its just black nothing."

"I see, is the dell test logo moving around on the screen"
"Nope, just black. No image at all!, its basi.."
"..can y..."
"sorry, carry on"
"its basically as if whatever image processing goes on behind just fell asleep and stopped working, everything else seems to be fine, just cant see anything, which is quite a big problem"
"Ah I think I understand, just have to right some crap down, and do some other crap, please wait"

*after about 10 minutes*

"Right, we're sending you a replacement, what was your number again?"
*give home and cell phone numbers*
"A dell rep will contact you tomorrow, your *&($@4 *random numbers*"
"Sorry what was that"
*tells me a number"
"Right, I got the number, but what was it again? I mean, what was it for?"
"Its your case number, so if you need to ring us again we can pick up where we left off"
"Ah, right, cheers"
Replacement arrived.

Its a REV A00
It was manufactured november 2004.

The first thing I did, when the box arrived, was think, "this aint a new one is it"

Because the box was a different shape and size, the monitor "assembled" in a bunch of protective sheets, the vga cable it came with had white shit all over it, the dva cable came in its original package.

Anyway, I went plopped it onto the dining room table, without plugging anything into it except for power, and turned it on.

This looks familiar... Nothing.

Hmm, did my phone call really actually consist of giving them specifications of what sort of broken monitor I want them to send me?

I tried plugging in a monitor via vga, dvi, and even an xbox via s-video. None of their images shows up.

I put both monitors next to each other, plugged one into one computer, the other into the second computer.

Turned them both on.

Both backlights turned on, the REV A00 looked hideous and blotchy (backlight)
Eventually lights went red as no data comming through cables.

Right, turn both computers on.

Both monitors went back to green light and backlight fired up again. No image.

Wow, I just got a dud monitors dud older brother. How fun.

Time to ring dell again.

Let us marvel at the wonders of two broken monitors

One on left is REV A00 Nov 2004 (China)
One on right is REV A02 Jun 2005 (China)

both monitors plugged into two seperate computers, both on, and both in windows, the green power light shows that the monitor is detecting and accepting an image, but they definatly are not showing anything.

I think that I've been thrown into an abysmal hole where I must suffer piece of shit returned monitors for the rest of my owning a dell monitor life.

I miss when the REV AO2 there worked.
the interesting thing is.

Is there any possible reason (apart from pure dumb bad luck) that imediatly the older model I got has exactly the same, no image at all problem?

Like, has the power cable somehow got wierd and frying something (cant hear/smell a thing tho) or is there a self destruct button I keep (eg, if you think about frogs legs and cheese, your monitor explodes) or something o_O

What coulda caused it in first place, what is the "it" that happened to lose display image?


Both other monitors in the house work fine. They're crap tho. In comparison to the first 2005fpw I had, (untill it broke)
I think this would be the point where I tell Dell to take both their pieces of trash back and give me my money back. Oh wait, I did do that when the 2005FPW and the replacement they sent were both garbage.
Well, heres a slightly unexpected ending.

The 2nd refirbished model I got, after doing alittle bitch over the phone, about how unfair it is to get a monitor thats a piece of trash, way older than the one I paid for, after having only recently bought and hardly even used my one.

In any case, they sent me one that is the same manufacter date and revision model.

And, to my surprise, 0 dead pixels, and no backlight prob either, its like, as good as my first one.

Actually I was surprised enough to see any image at all.

Lets hope this is a happy ending, and not another black/broken one all of a sudden.