2 new DC games and a Genesis RPG

That dreamcast game looks incredible, it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game.....and all these people say the Dreamcast is underpowered....
The Dreamcast had great power. In comparing the DC with the PS2 I will almost always take the DC. PS2 games have major jaggies compared to DC. Hell even Marvel vs Capcom 2 looks much better on DC than PS2.
Slartibartfast said:
The Dreamcast had great power. In comparing the DC with the PS2 I will almost always take the DC. PS2 games have major jaggies compared to DC. Hell even Marvel vs Capcom 2 looks much better on DC than PS2.

Yeah because we all know how jaggie 2D sprites can look... sorry but the PS2 is far more powerful then the DC, please show me a single game with the detail that MGS3, GT4 or the size of GTA on the DC? Heck show me a game that looks remotly as good as Shadow of the Colossus.

If you want to comapre directly play Sword of The Berserk for the DC adn then Berserk for the PS2. The PS2 game looks FAR better thanks to a higher polygon count and just bigger levels. Heck how about Virtual Fighter 4 or Tekken 5 compared to Soul Calibur... sure SC is fun but graphically it doesnt compare to VF4 and T5.

I loved the DC but it was not as powerful as people make it out to be. As for these two titles, they don't look like anything special. Under Defeat looks like a ripoff of a shooter that is already on the DC (I forgot the name).
|MaguS| said:
Yeah because we all know how jaggie 2D sprites can look... sorry but the PS2 is far more powerful then the DC, please show me a single game with the detail that MGS3, GT4 or the size of GTA on the DC? Heck show me a game that looks remotly as good as Shadow of the Colossus.

If you want to comapre directly play Sword of The Berserk for the DC adn then Berserk for the PS2. The PS2 game looks FAR better thanks to a higher polygon count and just bigger levels. Heck how about Virtual Fighter 4 or Tekken 5 compared to Soul Calibur... sure SC is fun but graphically it doesnt compare to VF4 and T5.

I loved the DC but it was not as powerful as people make it out to be. As for these two titles, they don't look like anything special. Under Defeat looks like a ripoff of a shooter that is already on the DC (I forgot the name).

Yes I realize the PS2 is more powerful, but the DC has better AA a lot of times. I've played both MvC2 games side-by-side and the DC version definitely looks better. Shadow OTC has great graphics, but good god is it JAGGY. On the flipside, Powerstone 2 and Jet Grind Radio have ok graphics, but very few, if any jaggies. I would actually rather play a game with fewer textures and better AA, because I find jaggies way more distracting than anything else. I realize that the DC couldn't handle the textures or scale of a lot of PS2 games, but many times I find the DC games easier on the eyes. But I'm also the kind of person who tends to prefer sprites over polygons.