2 days to vegas next gen game pics!!!

Halo 2 didn't look all that much better than the first one, though...these pics are most definately pre-rendered. It may not be a stretch to have ALMOST that good quality on the next gen systems, but those pics are most definately pre-rendered images.
bonkrowave said:
... well except for the fact that you bolded your post and put it in 2000 font. :p

size 7, and i didnt bold it....but i can if you want me too :p
rayman2k2 said:
size 7, and i didnt bold it....but i can if you want me too :p

Really thats size 7 ? hmmm I will have to look more closely at the sizing here. Im too used to friggen photoshop where that would be like 300.
What exactly are the specs on these next gen consoles everyone is bragging about? Last console I kept up with was the super nintendo.
Lord of Shadows said:
What exactly are the specs on these next gen consoles everyone is bragging about? Last console I kept up with was the super nintendo.

16 MILLION colors!!11! OMFG!!

LOL. I remember those days. :D
Jesus christ people. The next gen systems are going to run games like Unreal 3 with ease, and probably much more better lookin' stuff. Those screens look very posible with the next gen systems since they're going to have multiple CPUs and the latest GPUs. A while ago, I remember either Sony or M$ said this generation of consoles is going to be the biggest leap ever. So many damn haters :rolleyes: Meh...with graphics like that, I dont see myself buying new PC parts for a WHILE. Bye Bye gaming rig :p
xbox nor ps2 had the newest/best gfx technology out there when they came out....they were basically a rev behind from what I remember if not more. If you are saying that a xbox is going to have the equivalent of an ati 850xl I would be suprised.
huxley said:
xbox nor ps2 had the newest/best gfx technology out there when they came out....they were basically a rev behind from what I remember if not more. If you are saying that a xbox is going to have the equivalent of an ati 850xl I would be suprised.
Actually the xbox has a R520 core. (well is based on the R520 core)
Actually the ati core going in the xbox360 is at least one generation ahead of what pcs have now from them.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Jesus christ people. The next gen systems are going to run games like Unreal 3 with ease, and probably much more better lookin' stuff. Those screens look very posible with the next gen systems since they're going to have multiple CPUs and the latest GPUs. A while ago, I remember either Sony or M$ said this generation of consoles is going to be the biggest leap ever. So many damn haters :rolleyes: Meh...with graphics like that, I dont see myself buying new PC parts for a WHILE. Bye Bye gaming rig :p

see you in six months then =)

Anyhow here is a gamespy article containing the specs,

Seems very limited in the ram department, but maybe vram will take the load of things. Anyhow I cant stand playing things with a controller so this whole deal is a moot point. As for the screenshots those are definitely prerendered images from *gasp* a modeling program.
Lord of Shadows said:
see you in six months then =)

Anyhow here is a gamespy article containing the specs,

Seems very limited in the ram department, but maybe vram will take the load of things. Anyhow I cant stand playing things with a controller so this whole deal is a moot point. As for the screenshots those are definitely prerendered images from *gasp* a modeling program.

As they point out in the article, that's still four times the RAM of the current Xbox and it doesn't look that bad....

The modified r520 in the 360 also has (allegedly, based on some ATI patent or other) a huge external cache, which would allow it to do heavy duty AA with almost no performance hit! Unfortunatly the mechanism by which it works relies on features that are pretty much unique to consoles, so the PC version won't have the same tech.
S1nF1xx said:
There is NO WAY IN HELL the next gen consoles will be able to play a game with that LoD.
Hehehe ^_^!!! Consoles have ALWAYS been behind PC's in graphics. Not after the next gens come out. I have seen working, real-time demo's of PS3, doing things PC's are not doing, and if they are doing it, it's dumbed down a lot.

MS is going to show off the next X-Box in May, Sony is going to show of the PS3 durring E3. I have no idea what Nintendo is going to do.

You can do HDRI in real time (like above), you can do caustics in real-time, FFD, no problem for next gen. Poly-counts are by far the first thing you will notice, along with high-res texture usage.

Think about it. You have a little device that has nothing to do but play games. Give it a modest amount of ram, and rumors of 3 processors, you will have a very fast machine. If PC games were made with the optimizations that we have to go through to make a console game, they would look a lot better than they do now.
rayman2k2 said:
as a person who deals with 3d models quite a bit, i can firmly say that:
As a person who used to work for a R&D company, it's VERY much possible.

Remember, people never though of having hair, bump, reflections, smoke/fire/water, soft-shadows (or shadows in general), in real-time. We do now. When people see the Siggraph demo's they are floored. Those demo's become what we will see in the next couple of years in games and movies.
Michael.R said:
Actually the xbox has a R520 core. (well is based on the R520 core)

You're completely wrong.

Xbox360 will have the R500, which is based off totaly new technology designed just for the new Xbox and the PC equivilent wont be out till the end of 06. The R500 based GPU will run circles around the R520.
The one thing I dont understand, is that with current hardware and programing true HDR and anti-aliasing are not compatible. HDR softens edges and allows highlights on edges to act like secondary light sources.

Current true HDR works contray to AA, perhaps they have now found a way to program around this, I would like to see some information on how they will accomplish this feat, perhaps they have combined the two into one process? Does AA become a post processing technique, after HDR ?
I'm going to have to agree with the people who say that looks like a picture from a modelling program. Those scenes look entirely posed, and I would be surprised if the actual game looks half that good. Game developers have been doing fantastic-looking renders of games that don't look nearly that good in motion for the longest time...why are there STILL people who get all excited over it?
The ONLY issue with this is the reflections since reflections are mirrors of the environment and double the poly-count.
You know whats funny? Rollo and Prime1 and such are always talking about how SM3.0 will make Nvidia cards future proof, but whatthey dont realise is THIS IS SM3.0!

THIS is what it is meant for, if they think there Cards with SM3.0 will let them run THIS, they are sorely mistaking.

People underestimate SM3.0


looks nice, but look at the anti aliasing....its too good. That makes me think its a rendition, photochopped or something. I'm not saying the pics are fake, im saying,.....look at the old doom 3 pics we drooled over and then look at the actual doom 3 game. You can easily tell they messed with the shots to make them look alot better than the in-game stuff. The miracle AA in these pics tells me their not 100%

Still quite impressive, apparently this is due on ps3 as well and if this is a first generation ps3 game, i'm impressed. PS2/Xbox/Gamecube seemed to be lacking right from the start graphically to me, but this.... :eek:
|0b0 said:
looks nice, but look at the anti aliasing....its too good. That makes me think its a rendition, photochopped or something. I'm not saying the pics are fake, im saying,.....look at the old doom 3 pics we drooled over and then look at the actual doom 3 game. You can easily tell they messed with the shots to make them look alot better than the in-game stuff. The miracle AA in these pics tells me their not 100%

Still quite impressive, apparently this is due on ps3 as well and if this is a first generation ps3 game, i'm impressed. PS2/Xbox/Gamecube seemed to be lacking right from the start graphically to me, but this.... :eek:
I have been told that the R500 that is made for Xbox 360 has external cache that will allow the GPU to do AA like that. But yeah, the actual game's AA might not be that good but very close.
1080i is not a favorable resolution for gaming. 24FPS just doesnt cut it for the gamers eye. With anti aliasing and other image enchancing technologies, 720p will be gorgeous with next gen console games. Id imagine that ps3 will outperform high performance computers when it is released, so get ready for impressive physics, AI, and graphics.
simpsond said:
1080i is not a favorable resolution for gaming. 24FPS just doesnt cut it for the gamers eye. With anti aliasing and other image enchancing technologies, 720p will be gorgeous with next gen console games. Id imagine that ps3 will outperform high performance computers when it is released, so get ready for impressive physics, AI, and graphics.

This is the way I see it: Ps3/Xb2 will get tons of games that push thier hardware to to max and have awesome gameplay to back it up. Companies will actually release good games since they the consoles have such a huge market.

PC will get 3-4 new engines that show off the latest tech and force us to buy top dollar graphic cards just to play an average game. 1or 2 of those engines might be used in game that wont be out for another year.
I'll admit right now that all of you guys have started to change my mind now...specifically the IGN article...

and trust me...i'm stubborn...and dont admit to things easily...so this is a first

But I can guarantee you one thing, I'm not the only one waiting for E3...
S1nF1xx said:
You know what? THOSE ARE RENDERS. :rolleyes: They just show off all the nifty features of the hardware by rendering a static scene.

There is NO WAY IN HELL the next gen consoles will be able to play a game with that LoD.
thats true HLSL 3.0 and guess what more then likely next gen consoles will have it since that is a x360 game ya know HAHA. its all about the shadeing UE3 engine prooves polygon pushing is a thing of the past. cmon the ALHPA XNA KITS run circles around UE3!!!(rougly 20% power on a dual proccesor 2.5ghz g5, final is expected to be up to a tri core 3.5ghz) and this is so unbeliveable. you people are tight asses who cant handle a cheap box pulling off more in 6 months from now that your $3000 box wont be able to.

ehem this times 5 guys :eek:

You know whats funny? Rollo and Prime1 and such are always talking about how SM3.0 will make Nvidia cards future proof, but whatthey dont realise is THIS IS SM3.0!
please,sm3 improoves preformence over sm2 with same quality. it can also put out higher quality but obviously will run slower. but if you took a X800xt and a 6800ultra run this game at a low resolution on both its sucking for both of ya but the 6800 is atleast pumping out something better looking
Ballz2TheWallz said:
thats true HLSL 3.0 and guess what more then likely next gen consoles will have it since that is a x360 game ya know HAHA. its all about the shadeing UE3 engine prooves polygon pushing is a thing of the past. cmon the ALHPA XNA KITS run circles around UE3!!!(rougly 20% power on a dual proccesor 2.5ghz g5, final is expected to be up to a tri core 3.5ghz) and this is so unbeliveable. you people are tight asses who cant handle a cheap box pulling off more in 6 months from now that you $3000 box wont be able to.

ehem this times 5 guys :eek: http://www.unrealtechnology.com/screens/HDRGlow.jpg

Jesus tapdancing christ, take a grammar class, Ive read your post like 3 times and still cant understand what the fuck you just said.
Hate_Bot said:
Jesus tapdancing christ, take a grammar class, Ive read your post like 3 times and still cant understand what the fuck you just said.
then you cant read ;). oh and blame canada blame canada since canada has come along everything has gone wrong, blame canada shame on canada
Ballz2TheWallz said:
thats true HLSL 3.0 and guess what more then likely next gen consoles will have it since that is a x360 game ya know HAHA. its all about the shadeing UE3 engine prooves polygon pushing is a thing of the past. cmon the ALHPA XNA KITS run circles around UE3!!!(rougly 20% power on a dual proccesor 2.5ghz g5, final is expected to be up to a tri core 3.5ghz) and this is so unbeliveable. you people are tight asses who cant handle a cheap box pulling off more in 6 months from now that your $3000 box wont be able to.

ehem this times 5 guys :eek:
please,sm3 improoves preformence over sm2 with same quality. it can also put out higher quality but obviously will run slower. but if you took a X800xt and a 6800ultra run this game at a low resolution on both its sucking for both of ya but the 6800 is atleast pumping out something better looking

point on information - I'm a bigger console fan than a PC fan, just an FYI

A bit late to point this out - but no one bothered to check (or mention that they checked) the company that is producing this game.

The first thing that made me do a little investigating was the fact that "The project is under constraction." You'd think a company producing a video game for a mass market (as the next gen systems will exceed the sales of PS2/Xbox/GC) would be able to spell correctly. But maybe not. So I went to their homepage, www.steelmonkeys.com, where I was prompted for English or Russian. Apparently this company isn't much more than a group of Russian coders looking to make it big.

On their front page they advertise themselves as "a cutting edge studio for game design and technology creation. We aim to become leaders in the development of high quality real-time video games, across present and emergent platforms. We currently create games for PC, PS2, XBOX and GameCube." I have yet to see a game produced by them, and their only project is 2 Days to Vegas. That hardly seems they key to becoming what they propose. Anywho, I digress.

Doing a whois on www.steelmonkeys.com produces a registration in Zug, CH which seems to be a city in Switzerland. Not an unreputable country, but certainly a company there is a far reach from a game developer like id, Bungie, Blizzard, etc.

It's possible to apply for a position at Steel Monkeys without any formal education, regardless of age (I'm 17, can I work there?), and without requisites for game development or general coding knowledge.

So while this may not be direct evidence whether those screens are rendered or real-time, I'd take anything that this comany says with a grain of salt.

If they can produce a game that looks like this on a next gen system at all times (i.e. not cut-scenes, low population areas, specific instances, pre-rendered areas) then that's pretty damn amazing. But I'm going to wait till I see gameplay to believe those screens.

Edit: I checked out that IGN article linked earlier in the topic. I guess this developer is best known for their work on Corvette, Bob the Builder, Master Rallye (sp?) and Baja. Never heard of any of them, besides the fact that my dad owns a Corvette and Bob the Builder is a TV show. Even the editor writing the article refers to screenshots using quotes. He says that the screenshots "cannot be in-game." So even someone in the industry with a firsthand look at any new technologies is skeptical.
^^ Youd be surprised how some game companies can come out of nowhere with amazing stuff.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
that place dopesn't look like vegas lol... looks like NYC to me..

That is why the game is called Two Days to Vegas, the game ends in Vegas.

IGN said the game takes place over 48 hours in multiple cities, It takes the charachter 2 days to get to vegas.

2 Days To Vegas is a story driven 3rd person action-adventure game. The thrill-a-minute story is crammed full of car chases, shootouts and unexpected twists, to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the game. The action is set in several major cities across the USA and takes place during an intense 48 hour period. This game has it all, a gripping story of contemporary gangster life combined with thrilling car chase action and an intense race against the clock.