2 connections, 1 computer; Linksys


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2005
My desktop connects to the internet by wireless card to a Linksys WRT54G V1.1, 4Port and wirless router. The wireless connection is just because I was too lazy to run a hard line for a number of years. Ive recently ran a T5 cable to replace the wireless card.

Im having a problem with the IP aquisition. I have a feeling it's due to a conflict between the wireless and hard line connection to the same computer. When I try to enable the hard line connection, it hangs on "Acquiring IP adress" for a few minutes and then claims its "Connected, Firewalled" but no browsers work, no programs acess the net. I cant acess the router firmware from the hardline either.

Ive tried resolving this with and without the wireless connection enabled, and with different static ip assignments for both, not sure what else to do.

Update: ive tried several static ip's for the hardline with the wireless card disabled. I get mixed results. Sometimes it connects, and browsers don't work. Sometimes it hangs in a loop of trying to connect and failing.
Swordfish45 said:
it hangs on "Acquiring IP adress" for a few minutes and then claims its "Connected, Firewalled"

Have you checked what IP address you have after it did that?

Also - "T5 cable" - is that a typo? Did you mean Cat5 or did you get something else?
and you do know that *.*.1.102 isnt necessary because you already said linksys and they give out 192.168.1.* non-routable addresses anyway. :p

Disable the wireless connection on the comp and then go into the router and turn off the wireless.

Open up and command prompt and do a few

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

and see if it can pick up an address that way.

If it does then go into the router again and check the DHCP client table...

Oh and did you make the cable you ran yourself?