(2) AGEIA PhysX cards - Ends 7/31/2012 @ 7:12pm PDT - $15

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Take your gaming rig into the future of PC gaming with BFG Tech physics accelerator cards powered by the AGEIA PhysX processor.
2006 ftw.
+1 to nostalgia and good times.
Thanks for noticing that for me... lol ya prices fixed now.. $8 on auction and buy it now price is $10.
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I've decided to throw in UT3 retail game for free..
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Keep in mind nvidia dropped support for the PPUs after physX 2.3.8 so make sure if you're going to use them in older supported games to install 2.3.8 of PhysX or older.
Out of curiosity, how to those perform compared to using older Nvidia GPUs?
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