2.8E can't reach 3.5ghz. PC4000 the way to go?

Feb 11, 2004
My Prescott 2.8E is currently overclocked to 3.4ghz with a FSB of 243. The CPU voltage on the Abit IS7 is 1.6625 V. The DDR voltage is 2.6V on my 2x512mb PC3200 setup. (1x512mb is a no-name Legacy brand and the other 1x512mb is a Mushkin value brand).

Through the BIOS, the 2x512mb DDR400 is running at 2.5-3-3-7 with a 5:4 ratio speed of 194.7mhz (194.7mhz x 2 = 389.4mhz effective).

I've tried to reach a stable 3.5ghz (FSB=250mhz) but running 3Dmark05 causes WinXP to BSOD. I've tried increasing the CPU voltage to 1.7125 V but it's doesn't help. I've tried loosening the memory timings to 3-3-3-8 but oddly, this caused a failure of WinXP to load (whereas booting the system with 2.5-3-3-7 at least got me to a stable Desktop).

What do you think is holding me back? BTW, the CPU is being watercooled by the Koolance CPU-200G and with AC in my room, the temp is around 46 to 47 C.

Will buying the Geil Ultra PC4000 DDR500 ram help me to reach a stable 3.5ghz or have I already reached the limit of my CPU overclock? I don't want to invest around $150 on the Geil PC4000 and find out that I still can't overclock to 3.5ghz.

All help/advice/feedback is greatly appreciated!
Optimummind said:
What do you think is holding me back?

The CPU is holding you back. You've found your max, you have the voltage set to the red zone. Faster RAM would let you run 1:1 at 250FSB, but it won't do anything for pushing the CPU past 3.5ghz.
Theres no way that intel cpu is maxed out heres my specs i have had this processor overclock 1.2 ghz

2.4ghz P4 Prescott oced too 3.54 ghz (under stock voltages)
I have gotten to 3.6 ghz it worked fine except far cry and Battlefield 2 would crash to the desktop. Doom 3,hl2,cs,cs:s all ran fine.
1 gig of corsair dual channel ram
Msi Neo 2 PFS Platnum Edition
300 Watt Powersupply
1:1 fsb to memory ratio
is there a setting in your bios that tells you the agp/pci bus ratio ?
If there is turn that down to stock levels or very close.
I doubt the ram would be the problem but you never know. I wouldnt bother spending the money on new ram. You wont notice much of a difference from 3.4 ghz too 3.8 ghz gaming anyway. Because most games today are video card bound.
Run a 3:2 ratio for testing purposes. See how high the CPU can go. Then, if it's worth it to you, get the memory so you can run 1:1.

Pretty simple, yea? ;)
Talonz said:
Run a 3:2 ratio for testing purposes. See how high the CPU can go. Then, if it's worth it to you, get the memory so you can run 1:1.

Pretty simple, yea? ;)

For t3h win. took the words right outta my mouth.
Theres no way that intel cpu is maxed out heres my specs i have had this processor overclock 1.2 ghz

Not every processor is the same. Dont expect the same results just because you've had better luck.
Talonz said:
Run a 3:2 ratio for testing purposes. See how high the CPU can go. Then, if it's worth it to you, get the memory so you can run 1:1.

Pretty simple, yea? ;)

So by running a 3:2 ratio, am I trying to eliminate the RAM as a possible factor hindering my CPU OC??

I'll give this a shot and let you know. Thx
Optimummind said:
So by running a 3:2 ratio, am I trying to eliminate the RAM as a possible factor hindering my CPU OC??

I'll give this a shot and let you know. Thx
