2 6850's vs 1 6950?

I would say 1x 6950.

Multi-card solutions are far from perfect (name brand doesn't matter). If you want to try it that's a different story, just expect higher power requirements, more heat, and finicky drivers.
I would go for 1 6950...unless you can go for 2 6870 instead it is possible to get them for around 100 each if you do rebates and sell games
Blkout, what of the SLI/Crossfire issues that people have encountered? Have you found those to be a non-issue?

Non-issue for me. I've run crossfire setups for the last 3 years(4870x2, 5850's, and 6870's). I've had very little issues to speak of. To be perfectly honest, I'm actually surprised it works as well as it does 99% of the time. You will enjoy the improved framerate and higher detail settings FAR more than you ever will the very few times you ever run across an issue with a particular game.

From my point of view, I could make a similar argument and say, what of the low framerate issues you have with a single card when trying to run maximum detail settings and high levels of AA? In my eyes, that's just as unnaceptable as it is to have a crossfire issue in one game every once in a while that gets resolved in the next driver release or crossfire profile update. I don't even need to update drivers with every release and everything still works fine. If there were a single card that could even come close to what you get with dual cards, I would certainly consider it, but the fact is there's no single GPU card that even comes close to crossfire setups so I just can't see giving up performance for a minor issue occasionally.

I don't consider crossfire issues to be any more of a problem than single cards can have with certain new games or new driver releases. The fact is, single and dual card setups have SOME issue with SOME game occasionally, but Nvidia and AMD are both quite capable of resolving those issues and usually do in a timely manner.