19pc Craftsman Screwdriver Set, 80th Anniversary Edition - $16.88 at Sears

Website now states $14.99. With that $5 coupon this is a STEAL.

I have a few dozen screw drivers but I swear that more than half of them are pretty much the same thing. :)

Last time I returned a "broken" craftsman tool was when I had to saw a large wrench in half so it would fit on a bolt under my truck. When I went to return it, I had both pieces cleanly cut in half and looked at the lady and said "It broke."

She said "yeah right" as she handed me a new one. :D

LEGIT and no BS lifetime warranties FTW!!
they were sold out when I went, but w/$5 coupon couldn't go home empty handed so a 10 pc for $11 works... now I can have (lose) screwdrivers in my room, the basement, & the Garage! May have to print a couple more coupons & find reasons to stop there again next week

The only thing I've had to return was a socket that broke torquing a cylinder head... got a new one but was a little pissed about the bloody knuckles
they were out of stock at the place i went but instead i got the 18pc driver set which was 19$ and a 4$ T8Driver, and used the coupon and it was like 19$ so got the extra driver i wanted for free :)
Stockton store was out. But I've been wanting some new cut-off pliers, so I got a set. Like $10 after coupon.