19 inch CRT for gaming?


Sep 16, 2004
Anyone know of any quality 19 inchers? I'm not ready for LCD, so bear with me. ;)
LCD's have improved 10 fold.....but a quality CRT is an excellent thing to get still. I'd say either the Mitsubishi Diamondtron 930 or the Viewsonic P95F+B. Both seem to be hard to find. :(
slickdeals.net has dell coupon code for the 1905fp for $299 shipped + tax if applicable. that's a great friggin deal... i just picked one up off of eBay and it's beautiful - it's my first LCD monitor ever, been using the same CRT for 6 or 7 years now.

you can def. notice the motion blur, but it's not bad when you're caught up in the game - i only notice it anyways when i'm deliberately looking for it - while a noticeable difference from crt, i don't tihnk it's a big issue.
but he's not looking for an lcd, there was no need to post that. Anyway I second ShuttleLuv's reccomendations, those are some nice monitors :)
I used a Samsung 900DF for a while, just got my LCD on fri. BTW, if you want, im selling it cheap =) Its black too =)
Before I switched to LCD, I had a Dell P990 that I bought for $35 on eBay. It freaking rocks. 1600x1200 @ 85hz or so. Looked great, colors were great, etc.. I've always liked trinitrons although they do weigh quite a bit :)
ShuttleLuv said:
LCD's have improved 10 fold.....but a quality CRT is an excellent thing to get still. I'd say either the Mitsubishi Diamondtron 930 or the Viewsonic P95F+B. Both seem to be hard to find. :(

I was just about to say, if he can find the 930 anywhere, please please PLEASE let me know where it's at. =0)
anything that does 16x12 at more than 85hz you should be fine......

i love my VS P95f+ but i am totally ready for LCD...

my room is about 15 degrees warmer than the rest of the house ha

I've been using a M6805 laptop and the lcd included is great, and it's not even close to the newer low ms lcd's out there now. Blurring is there, but it's minimal and only if you move super quick in a game. Other than this, text is SUPERB, colors are SUPERB, and I like the even screen borders and edge straightness and simple brightness adjustment. I'm a CRT guy for life and always have been, but credit goes where it's due. Lcd's are great now. :cool:
PhRe4k said:
I've always wanted that one, but isn't it now discontinued?

Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I'm desparately looking for a second one for dual monitors.
BillLeeLee said:
Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I'm desparately looking for a second one for dual monitors.

I thought so, but I wasn't sure.Well, how about that Viewsonic G90F? How does it compare to the NEC?