19.99 Ar 512mb Pc-3200 Ddr

it's decent ram i had it before but had to sell it due to lack of funds at the time....i had to get a heat sink for the pc2700 they ran alittle hot.
annaconda said:
It came up $59 for me :(

It has a $40 rebate, hence the AR (After Rebate) in the thread title.

It is functional RAM, but don't expect to overclock with it. 3-3-3-8 timings @ 200 MHz, probably 2-3-3-7 at 166 MHz, IIRC. Tiger Direct usually has this for 9.99 or 29.99 after rebate. Cheap memory for FAH boxen or non performance computers.
Thanks. Now even my fileserver/work alternate PC will have a Gig. And buying stuff always feels good. Schweet.
I'm in. I've been wanting to get another half gig of ram for a while, and this price is just about right.