174.74 Beta

Both 174.74 and 174.85 give me the CTD, Screen flicker then crash, and NVLDDMKM.SYS BSoD's. 169.44's did NOT cause these issues.

Same here when i went to play stalker i went 2 hours with no problems where as the 174 drivers bsod me after only 20 minutes. Perhaps i have found a driver to replace my old 162.18 drivers.
I downloaded the WHQL version of these and installed them along with my new 9800gx2 and I have NO Nvidia control panel option when I right click on the desktop. Also if I go to control panel and try to open it from there it doesn't even attempt to open it. Cleaned drivers and reinstalled, same thing. So then I reformatted and reinstalled Vista 64bit and installed the same drivers and still no control panel option when I right click on the desktop. Also if I install nTune it blue screens when I would try to run the ntune app. So then I downloaded the beta version and installed. Everything is working flawlessly now...

Also for S&G I re-installed the WHQL drivers again and same issue happened so I rolled back to beta again...
Big performance increase in UT3 over the 169 officials but it made my system font ridiculously small...
Are you serious...? At any rate the SLI performance in UT3 was worse than single-card; something is fucked up there. Reverted to 169.44s.